
Video for Brand Basics Assesment Answers - Academy for Ads

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Video for Brand Basics Assesment  Answers - Academy for Ads
Video for Brand Assesment - Academy for Ads

What is a key difference between reservation buying and auction buying?

Reservation buying means pre-packaged lineups, while auction buying is for individual impressions.
Reservation buying is done programmatically, while auction buying is done manually.
Reservation buying is done manually, while auction buying is done through a Google representative.
Reservation buying includes hard-to-sell inventory, while auction buying does not.

What are the three components in the YouTube ecosystem?

Brands, publishers, and advertisers
Fans, creators, and advertisers
Fans, publishers, and producers
Creators, agencies, and publishers

What is Google Preferred?

Google Preferred consists of among the top 50 percent most popular channels with highly engaged audiences, organized into easy-to-buy packages for advertisers.
Google Preferred consists of the bottom five percent of remnant inventory on YouTube.
Google Preferred consists of the bottom 50 percent of remnant inventory on YouTube.
Google Preferred consists of among the top five percent most popular channels with highly engaged audiences, organized into easy-to-buy packages for advertisers.

Your team is eager to advertise your brand on YouTube, but an associate doesn’t think it’s safe. “I read that users upload hours of video every minute. How can they ever keep up with that?” YouTube relies on its community to flag content that they find inappropriate.
How large is the community?

A small team of folks at YouTube
Hundreds of thousands
Hundreds of millions

Before running a campaign, you'd like to track aided and unaided awareness to understand how your customers perceive your brand.
What measurement tool can you use to uncover these data points?

Google Consumer Surveys
Brand Lift
YouTube Analytics
Google Analytics

You're an agency that works with a Google Account Manager and runs third-party ad tags on your AdWords video campaigns.
How can you submit your own request for help with third-party implementation?

Google Display Specifications site
Traffic request form
Third-party tags and pixels implementation request form
You're unable to do this on your own

These people are redefining what it means to be a celebrity by being approachable, conversational, and authentic to millions of dedicated followers. They can activate millions of fans with a click of the "publish" button — and some are sharing the spotlight with brands.


TrueView video ads can be especially effective for driving what goals?

Awareness and consideration
Action and awareness
Consideration and action
Only awareness

What does digital media offer that TV advertising does not?

Upfront deals
Real-time optimization
Demographic targeting

Which ad format gives viewers the choice of whether or not to watch your ad, and helps drive brand consideration?

Bumper ads
TrueView ads
Google Preferred

Your agency is looking to achieve maximum reach and lift for your video campaign? Which Google products can you use?

YouTube Masthead and text ads
TrueView and Google Preferred
Brand Lift and TrueView
Google Consumer Surveys and Google Preferred

You want to increase awareness among 18- to 34-year-old men.
Which of these Brand Lift metrics would you use to see if your campaign is effective?

Sales lift
Brand awareness
Brand interest
Brand favorability

What Google measurement solution uncovers things like how your campaign affected consumer research, interest, product consideration, and opinion development?

Unique Reach
Google Analytics
Google Consumer Surveys
Brand Lift

Your manager wants to know how Google can help your brand get in front of mobile users. What might you say?

Google does not provide cross-device targeting at this time.
Mobile is a behavior and not a technology. The Google Network has massive reach and enables brands to easily tap into these behaviors in real time.
TV is the way to go. On mobile alone, TV reaches more 18- to 49-year-olds than YouTube.
Google doesn't have the mobile ad formats across search, display, and video to persuade our customers.

Your manager wants to know how Google can help your brand determine how your campaign affected the organic search query volume for related keywords on and
Which Brand Lift metric can measure that?

Brand awareness
Ad recall
Brand interest
Brand consideration

Your manager wants to know how Google can help your brand measure how much more your consumers align with the brand identity after exposure to it — what’s the brand equity impact?
Which Brand Lift metric can measure that?

Brand awareness
Brand favorability
Brand interest
Brand consideration

You want to plan YouTube media in terms of reach and frequency, talk in terms of GRPs and cost per points.
What Google measurement solution will you use?

Brand Lift
Google's reach solutions
Sales Lift
Google Consumer Surveys

Your agency is looking to run a video campaign that has flexible pricing, real-time optimization, and an ad format that allows users to opt out of watching.
Where can you implement this campaign?

AdWords and DoubleClick Bid Manager
AdWords only
DoubleClick Bid Manager only

Google helps marketers connect with people using what three kinds of data?

Declared, matched, and demographic
Declared, social, and offline
Demographic, purchase intent, and declared
Passion, purchase intent, and personalization

What's the first step when determining the right video solution for your campaign?

Find the KPIs that measure your goal
Determine your campaign goals
Choose the video solution that drives that goal
Optimize your campaign

On mobile alone, what platform reaches more 18- to 49-year-olds than any broadcast or cable TV network?

Google Maps

If the primary goal for your video campaign is building awareness, what are the KPIs you'd look at?

View-through rate, watch time, favorability lift, consideration lift, and brand interest lift
Views, impressions, unique users, awareness lift, and ad recall lift
Clicks, calls, and sign-ups
Sales and purchase intent lift

If the primary goal for your video campaign is influencing consideration, what are the KPIs you'd look at?

View-through rate, watch time, favorability lift, consideration lift, and brand interest lift
Views, impressions, unique users, awareness lift, and ad recall lift
Clicks, calls, and sign-ups
Sales and purchase intent lift

How can you launch Google Preferred, Mastheads ads, video ads, and/or bumper ads?

In AdWords
In YouTube
Through a Google representative
With Brand Lift

What is Google's programmatic buying platform?

Google Analytics
DoubleClick Bid Manager
You're an agency that needs to know the technical specifications to build and implement your upcoming video campaign.

Where can you go to find out how each ad format works, creative submission timelines, technical specifications, reporting, and third-party tracking capabilities?

In the Google Display Specifications site
Through a Google representative
Through the third-party request form
In the AdWords Help Center

Your agency wants to run an ad campaign that reaches audiences that are hard to find on TV, impacts customers with engaging formats, and allows your team to measure and optimize their campaigns in near real time.

Where can you advertise to accomplish all three of these objectives?

Your local newspaper

What can you use to connect with people based on their purchase intent?

Custom affinity audiences
Similar audiences
Google's in-market audiences
Customer Match


Your agency wants to extend your reach by adding YouTube to your TV media spend.

What Google measurement solution can help you plan and measure reach and frequency?

Brand Lift
Sales Lift
Google's reach solutions
Google Consumer Surveys

Cards are a great way to increase engagement with your video ad or brand.

Where do you create cards?

Bumper ads
Google Preferred

What video ad solution can you use to drive visits to your mobile app and increase conversions?

TrueView for mobile app installs campaign
TrueView for shopping campaign
Bumper ads

What does the Google Preferred Preference Score look at to measure popularity and passion?

Likes and shares
Reach and frequency
User watchtime and audience engagement

Viewability is a measure of whether or not an ad had a chance to be seen by a user.

What is Google's solution for measuring viewability across the web and is accredited by the Media Ratings Council?

Active View
Viewable Lift
Active Lift
View Tracker

You work for an advertiser or agency with an upfront deal. What is the best way to reserve Google Preferred inventory?

Through a third-party provider
Through a Google representative

Your agency has specialized in running TV ad campaigns, but now you’re expanding into the thriving digital video market.

Which YouTube offering was designed with TV media buyers in mind?

TrueView ads
Brand Lift
Google Preferred
Mastheads ads