
You can create a seed audience using data from:

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You can create a seed audience using data from:
A Custom Audience: Create a Custom Audience from your data to build a Lookalike Audience that resembles your existing customers and clients.
A website: Facebook pixel helps Facebook’s ad servers recognize website visitors across devices. Marketers can specify page visits and actions that should trigger the pixel. For example, monitoring the action “complete a purchase” enables you to generate a Custom Audience based on people who’ve bought from your website. Seeding a Lookalike Audience with that Custom Audience may surface potential customers.
A mobile app: Seed a Lookalike Audience using a Custom Audience of people who engage with your mobile apps. Then, you can develop brand awareness campaigns targeted to new prospects who resemble people who’ve triggered in-app events such as “completed registration.” Game developers can track events such as “achieved level.”
Facebook Page fans: People who Like your Page have already shown an interest in your business. Create a Lookalike Audience of Page fans to drive awareness of your business and find more people who are likely interested in your products or services.
All of the options are correct.