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Measurement - 2018 Smart Assessment Answers - Academy for Ads
Stay up to speed on the latest measurement products and trends from Google. Use data to make intelligent marketing decisions and gain insights about your audience.
Rules-based attribution takes only converting paths into account. True False Identify ALL of the platforms that offer attribution analysis. All answers are correct Attribution 360 Google Analytics 360 DoubleClick Campaign Manager Viewability guarantees that a client's ad will be seen.

Rules-based attribution takes only converting paths into account. True False Identify ALL of the platforms that offer attribution analysis. All answers are correct Attribution 360 Google Analytics 360 DoubleClick Campaign Manager Viewability guarantees that a client's ad will be seen.
- True
- False
- It helps in planning what % of a client's target audience in people (not cookies) could be reached with the campaign
- It helps in planning how many total people (not cookies) a campaign could reach
- It shows you what % of a client's ads were viewable by people
- It shows how many people (not cookies) a campaign reached
- True
- False
- Doubleclick Analytics
- Google Analytics
- Analytics 360
- AdWords
- True
- False
- Active View is part of the partnership with MOAT, so advertisers will need to work with them to get access to these reports
- There is a simple tag-generation process that, once implemented, enables a client to get free Active View reports in AdWords
- Active View tags need to be added into DBM if a client is buying programmatically
- Active View is integrated into both AdWords and DBM, so no tagging or trafficking is required
- Millward Brown
- Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings
- Nielsen Total Ad Ratings
- Conditional Firing can break API calls that are necessary for app tracking to work effectively with both iOS and Android
- Conditional Firing breaks the ability to surface cross-device conversions, view-through conversions and GDN conversion lift
- Conditionally Firing a tag breaks the ability of AdWords to connect data to Google Analytics
- Conditional Firing breaks the ability to assign value to a conversion, particularly as it relates to life-time value
- AdWords
- Google Play
- Google Analytics
- Google Attribution/Attribution 360
- False
- True
- Audience Management
- Analytics Tool
- Data Management
- Tag Management
- Calculate the conversion rate for a set of paths (sequences)
- Take two paths that are similar except one keyword and compare conversion rates to determine uplift from that keyword
- Apply the uplift to the original weighting
- Run the calculation for all keywords in the sequence and determine wWhat percentage each keyword contributes to overall conversions
- Practice of determining the role that each marketing touchpoint plays in driving towards a given outcome and assigning a value to it
- Practice of making important decisions about where to invest budgets or focus optimizations
- Practice of unifying user interaction data and creating a holistic view of customer relationships
- Practice of developing estimates that tie online investment back to revenue goals