
SEMrush Certification for Social Media Marketers Exam Answers

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SEMrush Certification for Social Media Marketers Exam Answers 2018

You can integrate the Social Media Poster with both personal and business Facebook profiles.


You can search mentions in the Brand Monitoring Tool by country or language.


The Social Media Poster can show you the difference between your total new page likes and new page unlikes.


You can export this report on your social media activities to the My Reports tool.

Social media activity
Facebook reactions distribution
Social media audience trend
Social media competitors
All of them

You can track mentions from a specific domain with the help of the Brand Monitoring Tool.


Social Media Poster allows you to find ideas for posting from RSS feeds.


You want to create your daily social media plan and decide how many tweets to post today with the help of the Social Media Tracker. What should you do?

Analyze your and your competitors’ publishing trends using the “Activity” report
Review basic engagement metrics and their changes over time using the “Engagement” report
Analyze your and your competitors’ followers’ trends using the “Audience” report

You need to find out which of your or your competitor’s pieces of content perform best on social media. Which Social Media Tracker report allows you to do this?

“Top content” report
“Comparison with competitors” report
“Social channels” report
This cannot be done with SEMrush

You need to publish a post on social media, but you can’t do this before your designer prepares a necessary image. Which option in the Social Media Poster should you choose to keep from forgetting to publish the post on time?

“Post now”
“Add to queue”
“Save draft,” then set a notification time
“Schedule,” then set a publish time

You can track these metrics with the Social Media Tracker. Choose three answers.

Page Views
User reactions (“Like,” “Love,” “Wow,” etc.)
Number of posts
Number of followers

You want to create a post with the help of the Social Media Poster. Which of these media file types can you add? Choose three answers.

Animated GIF images
JPEG and PNG images
Giphy images
PDF documents

In the Brand Monitoring tool, you can filter Twitter mentions by what? Choose 3 answers.

Number of likes
Number of retweets

Which analytics data are available for your Twitter posts after you publish them with the Social Media Poster? Choose two answers.

Audience outreach
Increase in number of followers
Engagement rate

You can accomplish these tasks with the help of the Social Media Tracker. Choose two answers.

Monitoring the growth of your social media audience
Creating and publishing posts directly from the tool
Comparing social media platforms by engagement with your content
nalyzing at what time competitors publish their content on LinkedIn

In the Brand Monitoring Tool, you can compare your and your competitors’ brand name by...

Number of mentions
Twitter followers
Number of mentioners

What does the Brand Monitoring Tool allow you to do? Choose 3 answers.

Create and compare up to five campaigns within a Brand Monitoring project
Filter your brand’s web mentions by date
Get a list of resources that mentioned your brand
Find your brand mentions on the web and on Twitter
Get an alert when your brand is mentioned

You want to track your Facebook business page with the Social Media Poster. Which metrics can SEMrush provide you with? Choose three answers.

Total new page likes
Referral traffic
New page unlikes
Page audience
Metrics directly from Facebook insights
Engagement rate