
Activate your nonprofit on YouTube Answers

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Activate your nonprofit on YouTube Answers

Which statistic is true of YouTube?
1.5 billion logged in viewers visit YouTube every month.
Viewers spend over an hour a day watching YouTube on mobile.
YouTube has launched local versions in more than 88 countries.
All of the above.

What opportunity is available to qualified nonprofits with 1000 subscribers?
Exclusive themes to customize their channel design.
Automatic enrollment in YouTube Partner Program.
Access to production resources at YouTube Spaces.
Free subscription to YouTube Red for all members.

What information do you need to enter in your Google for Nonprofits account?
YouTube Channel ID.
YouTube content ratings.
Google Wallet PIN.
G+ profile photo.

What tool helps you evaluate the success of your videos?
YouTube Analytics.
Content Scorecard.

How can you develop a long-term audience?
Invest in expensive equipment.
Rely on word of mouth.
Upload videos consistently.
License commercial content.

What is a recommended way to end your videos?
List the production credits.
Deliver a specific call to action.
Do something unexpected.
Introduce your mission.

Where is a convenient place to add your mission statement?
Video titles.
Channel description.
Mid-roll ads.

When creating a channel icon, what is a recommended best practice?
Include the YouTube logo so that it’s more recognizable.
Change it often based on feedback from your viewers.
Make sure it also looks good on mobile screens.
Select an animated GIF so that it really stands out.

What can you ask viewers to do via cards or end screens?
Visit your website.
Buy your merchandise.
Participate in a campaign.
All of the above.

Why might you look at your Traffic Sources in YouTube Analytics?
Figure out how people find your YouTube videos.
Plan a strategy for creating a massive viral video.
Identify donors based on their purchasing history.

Remove content that isn’t universally liked online.