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Templatemonster Wordpress Certification
Why it is not recommended to use free templates for WordPress?
While a free template is enticing, free templates are not updated or supported in the same way as paid templates. Security is a major issue we face on a daily basis and new threats need to be mitigated in an ongoing basis. Also, as wordpress updates its core code, templates must also be updated and maintained to work with the new technologies and changes to the wordpress core.
How to create a post with galleries in WordPress?
Not sure how granular you want to go with this, but if you are talking about creating a new post and in the editor adding media ->create gallery -> then choosing the images you want to have in the gallery and then publish the post live is one way to create a post with galleries. I recently had to create a custom plugin to create gallery of galleries, which was cool.
How to restore the WP website from full backup copy?
I’m a little rusty since using ManageWP for 18 months doing restores and migrations. Manually, you’d want to ftp the backup into the server, upload to the public_html folder, unzip and overwrite the files.
How to turn on/off the comments in WP?
In settings -> Discussion check/uncheck the box marked “Allow people to post comments on new articles ”
How to add and manage multilevel categories in WP?
I would normally ask to clarify what the client’s intent here is, but you can set up defaults in settings, and add and manage categories under Posts -> Categories. There you can add/remove/manage categories in directories or subdirectories.
How to protect WP post by password
The easy way is to go to the post, on the right side click visibility -> set to password protect, put in the password you’d like visitors to use and hit update/publish to push the change live. There are several other more complicated and more secure ways, as well depending on the customer and their need.
How to display the full post instead of quote?
I’m assuming you mean show the full post on the main blog or blog archive page? If so, in settings -> reading -> select full post instead of summary.
How to add new user Font to WP?
There are several ways to add new user fonts to worpress. One way is to choose a Google Font in the Google Fonts Library google.com/fonts, choose the font you want to use, grab the standard embed code and add it to the themes header file just after the opening head tag <head>.Then update css file with the chosen google font.
If Google doesn’t have the font you want and customer wants a custom/non-standard font, upload the webfont File to the font folder in the theme directory, then add the font face rule to CSS to be able to use the font anywhere.
What is the TEXT tab in post editing for?
The purpose of the TEXT tab in post editing is to view and/or edit the source code/html of the content portion of the page.