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Optimize Performance In Campaign Manager Assessment Answers, optimization means using performance data to find what gets results and doing more of it. This training shows you how to optimize with DoubleClick Campaign Manager. Take the courses, pass the Assessment and earn an Achievement to display on your profile.

Third-party providers
Demographic targeting
Site-served lists
Device Conversion Type
Attributed Event Platform Type
Custom Floodlight Variable
Missing placement name
Missing ad name
Bad formatting
Add column item name
Delete item ID
Add column item ID
Demographic targeting
Site-served lists
Third-party providers
Place rich media first in her ads’ creative rotation
Place rich media last in her ads’ creative rotation
Move all budget to rich media
Top Conversion Paths
Custom Floodlight
Cross-Device Conversions
Custom Floodlight
Top Conversion Paths
Cross-Device Conversions
Data Transfer
Attribution Modeling Tool
Create a Data Transfer including promotion codes
Target the shopping cart user list with a 20 percent off promotion
Create a custom rule to target the shopping cart user list and exclude the user list for the checkout page
User Performance
Audience Reach
Audience Performance
Path Length
Majority of credit is split across click interactions, with remaining credit given to any impressions
Majority of credit is split between the first and last interactions, with remaining credit given to other interactions
Majority of credit is given to the first interaction, with remaining credit given to other interactions
Tell his colleague to create new placements for rotation
Adjust Campaign Manager creative rotation
Tell his colleague to keep directing spend to desktop inventory
Click Bulk edit
Click Bulk changes
Click Multiple edits
Top Conversion Paths
Last Interaction
Path Length
Not enough ads have been selected
More than five ads have been selected
More than five placements have been selected
Apply Conversion segments
Group Floodlight activities
Use Top Conversion Paths
Tim Decay
Last Interaction
Data Transfer
Report Builder
Attribution Modeling Tool

KidApparel wants to create custom audience lists by leveraging their Custom Floodlight Variables and individual user IDs for more precise targeting. Tom Trafficker tells them they’ll need to use:
Data TransferThird-party providers
Demographic targeting
Site-served lists
Rich wants to compare cross-environment conversion data to standard conversion data. Which metric in the Cross-Device Conversions report does he need to include to see which device got the conversion credit?
Top Conversion PathsDevice Conversion Type
Attributed Event Platform Type
Custom Floodlight Variable
What is a common reason for a campaign spreadsheet to fail upon import?
Missing creative nameMissing placement name
Missing ad name
Bad formatting
After exporting your campaign to a spreadsheet, making a copy of one row with your ad, placement, and creative is a great way to ensure correct formatting and IDs when you import. What step will you need to complete in order to create a new placement?
Delete item nameAdd column item name
Delete item ID
Add column item ID
KidApparel wants to capture the encrypted user ID of each impression and click interaction so they can create more precise audience lists. Tom Trafficker tells them they’ll need to use:
Data TransferDemographic targeting
Site-served lists
Third-party providers
After pulling a Top Conversion Paths report, Maria finds that most users are entering the funnel via rich media interactions.
How can she best optimize with this information?
Frequency cap her ads at one impressionPlace rich media first in her ads’ creative rotation
Place rich media last in her ads’ creative rotation
Move all budget to rich media
Yasmin wants to see the most common sequence of ad interactions users experience before they convert. What report should she review?
Cross-Environment insightsTop Conversion Paths
Custom Floodlight
Cross-Device Conversions
SuperCoolKicks wants to see if users who have seen the Cool Kicks sneaker ads on their smartphones are making purchases on desktop.
Which report would reveal this pattern?
Cross-Environment insightsCustom Floodlight
Top Conversion Paths
Cross-Device Conversions
How can you view the encrypted user ID across DoubleClick Bid Manager and DoubleClick Campaign Manager accounts?
Audience Performance reportData Transfer
Attribution Modeling Tool
What is the best way to target users who haven’t made a purchase after putting an item in their cart without giving away too many promo codes?
Edit the shopping cart user list to only include 10 days worth of dataCreate a Data Transfer including promotion codes
Target the shopping cart user list with a 20 percent off promotion
Create a custom rule to target the shopping cart user list and exclude the user list for the checkout page
Ezra wants to know which of DinoWorld’s promotional offers the users on his audience list are responding to best.
Which report would he pull?
User ReachUser Performance
Audience Reach
Audience Performance
Alona has been using the Time-Decay attribution model a lot recently, but she wishes she could make an adjustment to increase how rich media interactions are weighted when assigning credit. What attribution model should she select?
Path Length
How does the position-based attribution model assign conversion credit?
All credit goes to the last clickMajority of credit is split across click interactions, with remaining credit given to any impressions
Majority of credit is split between the first and last interactions, with remaining credit given to other interactions
Majority of credit is given to the first interaction, with remaining credit given to other interactions
After pulling a Cross-Device Conversion report, Sam notices that a lot of the mobile purchases on the SuperCoolKicks site occur after users have seen an ad on desktop.
How might Sam use this information to optimize the sneaker campaign?
Adjust Campaign Manager creative messagingTell his colleague to create new placements for rotation
Adjust Campaign Manager creative rotation
Tell his colleague to keep directing spend to desktop inventory
How can you make bulk edits in the Campaign Manager interface?
Click Edit multipleClick Bulk edit
Click Bulk changes
Click Multiple edits
Which attribution model uses Floodlight data from both converting and non-converting users?
Path LengthCustom
Top Conversion Paths
Alan wants to see conversion credit assigned to whichever ad a user interacted with just prior to converting, whether it’s a click or an impression. Which attribution model would he use?
Time DecayConversion
Last Interaction
Path Length
What is a common reason why the “Edit multiple” option may not appear in the user interface?
More than one type of object has been selectedNot enough ads have been selected
More than five ads have been selected
More than five placements have been selected
Martin’s excitement to dig into reports quickly turns to dismay when he sees how many conversion paths are displayed in the Assisted Conversions report.
How can he limit which conversion paths are used in the report?
Set up Custom Floodlight variablesApply Conversion segments
Group Floodlight activities
Use Top Conversion Paths
How many data-driven models can be created for each parent-advertiser configuration?
Knowing that DinoWorld park tickets have a long conversion funnel, Johanna wants to give equal credit to every ad interaction that kept the user’s interest prior to purchasing tickets. Which model would she use to see credit assigned in this way?
ConversionTim Decay
Last Interaction
DoubleClick Digital Marketing reports are great, but Mario is looking for log-level impression and click data so he can dig into the granular details and run analysis.
How can Mario access this information?
InsightsData Transfer
Report Builder
Attribution Modeling Tool