
Google Certified Educator Level 2 Exam Answers

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Google Certified Educator Level 2 Exam Answers

Multiple Choice Question - Please select 2
Ms. Yang's students love reading books in which they can choose how the story progresses by making choices for the characters. These books are also known as "create-your-own-adventure" stories. She wants to deliver more dynamic content to her students based on their answers and discussions in class.

What are some ways she can do this with Google tools?
Create Slide presentations that jump to particular slides based on certain responses or discussion points.
Create a YouTube video containing a Form with a list of questions, with responses fed directly into a Sheet
Create Sheets that contain links to jump to a particular slide in a separate Slide presentation.
Record topics that were discussed with the most enthusiasm in a Sheet and share it with the students.
Create Forms that redirect students to specific questions or content based on their answers.

Multiple Choice Question - Please select 1
You are teaching a class on politics in the media, and you want your students to search for trending political stories online.

What is the best and most efficient way they can find information on trending subjects?
Do a Google search for "Political trends" and search for relevant information.
Create a questionnaire in Forms to send to fellow students to understand trends within the school.
Go to and browse through current trends across multiple categories and countries.
Go to Google Analytics to see most viewed web pages and searches.

Drag & Drop Question
You strongly believe that students need a voice so they can influence their environment and make a real difference. You have decided to support the creation of a school newspaper. Move the rows up and down to match each Google tool with the way it can can be used to reimagine the traditional school newspaper online.

Google Tool Use case
Sites Web hosting and publishing the newspaper
Google Photos Video hosting and editing
Docs Drafting and editing articles
YouTube Storing photos and images
Calendar Assigning draft due dates and final deadlines

Multiple Choice Question - Please select 1
Mr Grey wants to promote entrepreneurship amongst his students through a team problem-solving activity. What can he do to encourage this?

Assign each team a different problem-solving approach and after they have presented their findings, they discuss which was the best approach.
Assign different roles to each member of each team, giving each role specific responsibilities to complete the task.
Run a project-based learning activity, allowing the students to investigate the best methods to solve the problem, find the information they need and present their findings.
Give each team the same instructions to complete the activity and assess the execution of the activity and presentation of the findings.

Multiple Choice Question - Please select 2
Mr Snipes is trying to explain to the department head of English why his school should look into using Google Lit Trips to improve enthusiasm for reading.

What should he mention in this discussion?

Teachers can download ready-made Lit Trips or create their own using Google Earth.
Lit Trips are interactive journeys using Google Earth to plot geographical elements from a story or text so readers can see the landscapes they are reading about.
Lit Trips are library tours run by the Google for Education team, showcasing how public libraries have adopted G Suite to enhance reading.
Teachers can buy Lit Trip audio books for students who struggle to read at the same pace as the rest of their class.
Lit Trips are Google-designed field trips that incorporate Google tools and apps to enhance the learning experience.

Drag & Drop Question
Forms can be adaptable based on the answers provided by the recipients. For example, if they get a question wrong, they can be directed to review the content again, and retake the question.

Describe the process of making a "Create-Your-Own-Adventure" quiz using Forms. Move the rows up and down to put the steps in the correct order.

Step # Steps
1 Repeat these steps until the form is complete
2 Select the page you want users to redirect to based on each answer, or to submit the form
3 Create a Form
4 Add a "multiple choice" or "choose from list" question
5 Check the "Go to page based on answer" checkbox

Multiple Choice Question - Please select 2
In what ways can a school effectively and economically engage with students' parents in order to gain their support for learning technologies in the classroom?

Invite parents to technology events and demonstrate how devices and different online tools and are used within the classroom to enhance learning
Offer hourly technology workshops to parents so they can have the same level of proficiency as their children
Organize round table discussions with parent teacher groups to help develop a school technology plan and goals
Give parents a laptop, tablet, and smartphone so they can support their children at home.

Multiple Choice Question - Please select 1
Mr White is the school's advocate for recycling and reducing paper waste for both teachers and students.

What can he do, using Google tools to actively reduce paper waste in his school?

Encourage teachers to put student worksheets, downloadable forms and display student work on their own class Site.
Record teacher and student printing activity in a Sheet to identify those with high printing volumes.
Run a workshop for teachers and students on how to use smart printing tools to print more efficiently.
Create a video about why recycling is important for the environment, and upload it to YouTube.

Drag & Drop Question
Ms. May can use Gmail and Calendar proficiently, but wants to increase her productivity as she has very little time for catching up on emails and scheduling one-to-one sessions with her students.

By moving the rows up and down, match the productivity gains she can receive using the following Google Labs or features for Calendar and Gmail.

Productivity gains Google Lab or Feature
Ensuring emails are sent to the correct recipients and containing the correct information Canned responses
Quickly accessing additional functionality without using a mouse Custom keyboard shortcuts
Responding to multiple emails quickly with the same reply Undo Send
Adding supporting documents to students' one-to-one session invites Calendar event attachments

Multiple Choice Question - Please select 2
What key points do students need to understand when creating an instructional video?

Cards should be used throughout the video as subtitles so the audience does not mishear any dialogue.
There is a clear goal and purpose for the video.
Always add humour to an instructional video to keep audiences engaged.
Instructional videos should be at least three minutes long, otherwise they are not detailed enough to instruct an audience.
Cards must have a clear purpose and not distract the audience from the content.

Multiple Choice Question - Please select 1
Mr Franco is a busy high school teacher who wants to increase his productivity between classes using some of the core G Suite for Education tools.

What can he do to achieve this?

Sign up for Google Labs app tutorials for tips and tricks to make better use of core G Suite for Education tools.
Install Chrome widgets to enhance his Chrome browser search bar functionality.
Install Google Labs for Gmail and Calendar to enhance their core features and add new functionality.
Install G Suite Business for advanced versions of the G Suite for Education tools.

Multiple Choice Question - Please select 1
Mr Franco is a busy high school teacher who wants to increase his productivity between classes using some of the core G Suite for Education tools.

What can he do to achieve this?

Sign up for Google Labs app tutorials for tips and tricks to make better use of core G Suite for Education tools.
Install Chrome widgets to enhance his Chrome browser search bar functionality.
Install Google Labs for Gmail and Calendar to enhance their core features and add new functionality.
Install G Suite Business for advanced versions of the G Suite for Education tools.

Multiple Choice Question - Please select 3
One of the students in your class -Brian Warner- can be shy, but is an expert in the use of Google applications. To aid their personal development you give them an important role of Student Tech Guru. This involves sharing technology tips via the school's Google+ community. What can Brian do with Google+ to discover student needs and spread knowledge?

Monitor Google application usage patterns
Offer remote desktop support
Comment on student posts
Create student polls
Post useful photos and links

Multiple Choice Question - Please select 1
Miss Tanaka regularly runs review sessions for her students before exams, as her students forget what topics have been covered and where they can access the resources used in class.

How should she use Blogger effectively to reduce the amount of review sessions she needs to run?

She can upload all her lesson plans and notes into the File Cabinet in Blogger so students can only access them at school.
She can create a video giving students a quick overview of the semester, and upload it to Blogger at the end of the semester.
She can create a new blog post after every class with the lesson overview, notes and links to resources.
She can embed a Sheet containing the class topics and links to resources, and update it after each class.

Drag & Drop Question
Students in a programming class have asked if you can help them arrange a hackathon to support their autonomous robot development project. Move the rows up and down to show the best way each Google tool could be used to help facilitate the planning and execution of a hackathon.

Hackathon Tasks Google Tool
Creating a print-friendly event schedule Drawings
Creating a project timeline to ensure everyone knows what deadlines and responsibilities they have Forms
Gathering feedback from other programming students on their preferred development tools Sheets
Presenting the final solution to an audience Docs
Creating a flow diagram for the development process Slides

Multiple Choice Question - Please select 2
Ms Coulson is teaching her students about nutrition and eating habits in other countries.

What can she do to give her students first-hand information on this subject without spending any money?

Invite an overseas student or teacher to come into the class to speak when they are available
Arrange a Hangout with a class in a different country for a question and answer discussion session
Host a Hangout on Air with willing schools around the world to discuss the topic and make it available to watch at a later date
Take her students on an international road trip to try out different foods
Arrange a Hangout with someone she knows from a different country and pass on the information to her students

Multiple Choice Question - Please select 2
Mr Manuel wants to use Google Earth to enhance his geography lessons.

Which activities could he use with his students to understand the earth's geographical form?

Compare the terrain and elevation between different locations
Get students to mark the geographical locations of the world's largest volcanoes
Zoom into street view in real time to see live camera feeds in a desired location
View a dissection of the earth at a desired location to see the different layers below ground level
Run simulations to show how islands are impacted by tsunamis

Drag & Drop Question
Ms. Stark is teaching her students to create video book reports as some of her students struggle to talk directly in front of their peers. At the end of their video presentation, she wants her students to insert a link to another relevant Channel on YouTube. How would they do this? Move the steps up and down to place them in the correct order.

Step # Steps
Step 1 Select "Cards", click "Add cards", and "Create" next to Video or Playlist
Step 2 Enter URL and relevant information for linked video
Step 3 Select the relevant video and select "Edit"
Step 4 Upload their video into YouTube
Step 5 Go to the Video Manager in the YouTube channel

Multiple Choice Question - Please select 1
Ms Logan is about to start teaching a brand new topic to her class. Some of her students typically need more time than others when understanding new concepts. What can she do to make sure all students are comfortable discussing the topic in the classroom?

Ask the students to do a short presentation on what they know about the subject before giving them any information, to gauge prior understanding of the topic.
Present the content in the textbook and quiz students at the end of the lesson where students call out the answer.
Use a traditional learning approach, giving all students access to the same information and activities, and provide extra tuition to those in need at the end of the semester.
Use a flipped learning approach, giving students the information before the lesson so they can go through it at their own pace and then raise any questions during the class discussion.

Drag & Drop Question
Using the different functionalities of Google Maps, students and teachers can create their own maps and virtual tours, and explore areas and locations across the globe.

Match the functionality or Google Maps tool with the correct class-based activity.

Google Maps student activity Google Maps tool
Identify the types of stones used to build the pyramids of Giza My Maps
Recreate the journey travelled by Lewis and Clarke on their famous expedition with images at key locations Street View
Create a map of which countries you have visited and calculate the distance you've travelled Tour Builder

Drag & Drop Question
One of your students is hoping to get elected to the school council. She has asked you for advice on how to run her election campaign. By moving the rows up and down, match the Google tool with its potential use case to show how the tools can help.

Google Tool Use case
Forms Campaign posters
Groups Email campaigns
Drawings Survey students on issues

Drag & Drop Question
Mr Hammond started using G Suite for Education, and is confused about the difference between apps and extensions found in the Chrome Web Store.

Drag and drop the benefits of using Chrome Web Store Apps and Extensions to the appropriate category.

App or Extension
Chrome Web Store Apps
Drag your answers here
Chrome Web Store Extensions
Drag your answers here
Apply Education specific filters to make finding the right content easier in the Chrome Web Store
Can be pinned to the launch bar of a Chromebook for easy access
Can be managed by navigating to the Chrome Web Store > Settings > Your Apps
Provide additional functionality to the Chrome browser
Mostly appear in the top right portion of Chrome as clickable icons
Can be managed by navigating to chrome://extensions/

Drag & Drop Question
Match the most suitable personalized learning activity with the most appropriate Google tool for the job by moving the rows up and down.

Personalized learning activity Google tool
Creating a project-based learning activity and storing all resources, research, and results in one place for relevant parties. Google Docs
Assigning students a set of tasks based on various online resources that they can work through. Google Sites
Distributing a video to students to watch and answer questions on in their own time. Google Form

Multiple Choice Question - Please select 1
What is the best description and use for Google Scholar in a classroom?

A useful Search tool to find academic or scholarly sources, for research purposes and citation within original work.
A chat tool that links students with other students to provide peer support and answer questions on a particular topic.
A curated reading list based on a specified topic and grade level, for students to find additional information outside of the class text.
An online thesaurus that finds definitions and provides examples of how to use words in sentences, to help improve writing quality.

Multiple Choice Question - Please select 2
Mrs Wallace is a department head in a high school, and is looking at the performance grades for all students in one semester.

What features can she use in Google Sheets to help analyze the data efficiently without having to search through it manually?

Use the "Filter Tool" to display required data and hide unwanted data.
Use the "Select Data" function to capture specific data and copy it into a separate sheet for analysis.
Protect the sheets to keep an original copy of the data in case of errors or accidental deletion of data.
Use a Radar chart to view individual student progress against department-wide progress.
Use the "Scan All" function to locate specific values and student names.

Multiple Choice Question - Please select 1
Mr Morgan wants his students to watch a long video he produced in YouTube, and then discuss specific sections in the following lesson. What is the most efficient way he can make it easier for students to find specific sections within the video, without leaving YouTube?

Provide a table of contents at the start of the video with links to each section.
Provide a Doc or Sheet listing key sections and their timestamps.
Edit the video into smaller individual sections with relevant names.

List the key sections, timestamps, and links to specific times in the video in the Comments section of the video.