
According to 2015 Google Trends data, which term would consumers on mobile phone be most likely to type in a search engine?

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According to 2015 Google Trends data, which term would consumers on mobile phone be most likely to type in a search engine?

 A)  Great shoe stores
 B)  Shoe stores near me
 C)  Shoe store addresses
 D)  Shoe store sales


No explication. You just have to read a report. Side-note: In my personal opinion its a shame that we have such questions in advanced exams. That doesn't show your advanced understanding, but just a fact that you have carefully read the outdated report.

When research is done and people are ready to buy, mobile bridges the gap. More than half of back-to-school apparel shoppers use a smartphone while shopping to get price comparisons, inventory availability, or directions.8 We’ve also seen that local searches are increasing exponentially because people use mobile devices to find stores nearby.
Specifically during back-to-school season, search interest in “shoe stores near me” spiked in August for the last two years in a row, and it more than doubled year over year.9 Compare that to “shoe store locations” searches, which are declining.