
Which statement is true?

Which statement is true?

Ads with call extensions only let people call the business
Call extensions send people to a landing page with a phone number
Call-only ads are available exclusively on the Display Network
Call-only ads only let people call the business

Dig into ad formats on Ad Exchange Assessment Answers - Academy for Ads

Dig into ad formats on Ad Exchange Assessment Answers - Academy for Ads

  • B1. 

  • The mobile rich media ad interface definition (MRAID) standard would most help you make which type of ad?

    +0 / 1 
    The correct answer was An ad that a user can expand by clicking it.
  • C2. 

  • Which task could be best accomplished using the Ad Exchange Marketplace?

    +0 / 1 
    The correct answer was Identify available inventory for mobile device types..
  • C3. 

  • Which mobile ad format would you use if your client wanted their ad to run before product review video clips on a popular tech website?

    +0 / 1 
    The correct answer was Mobile web instream.
  • D4. 

  • Which information about a creative would you retrieve using the real-time-bidding (RTB) Breakout tool?

    +0 / 1 
    The correct answer was Bids lost in auction .
  • D5. 

  • Which steps would best help you retrieve information on cost per click for a native advertising campaign?

  • A6. 

  • What is an important creative detail to keep in mind when buying cross-screen TV advertisements?

  • E7. 

  • While browsing a real estate website on your mobile phone, you come across a native ad. 

    What best describes its appearance?+0 / 1 
    The correct answer was The ad is rendered in a way to match the look, feel, and function of the site..
  • B8. 

  • Which of the following are features of mobile app interstitials?

    +0 / 1 
    The correct answer was Full-screen display and high clickthrough rate.

There are several ways you can schedule messages in Hootsuite. Which of the following doesn’t belong?

There are several ways you can schedule messages in Hootsuite. Which of the following doesn’t belong?

  •  A)  From within the Compose Box (manual and auto-schedule)
  •  B)  Using the bulk uploader
  • C)  From within the calendar view in the Publisher
 D)  From the drop down menu in a search stream

More info:

To share access to a Hootsuite Analytics board with your colleagues you need to:

To share access to a Hootsuite Analytics board with your colleagues you need to:

 A)  use the Share button to share it via email
 B)  do all of these
 C)  use the Share button to auto-populate an internal CRM message
 D)  use the Share button to create a custom owly link which you can then email, or Tweet to them
 E)  use the Share button to create a printer friendly version of the board

Within a Hootsuite Analytics Board, you can use a Widgets/Metric, which is:

Within a Hootsuite Analytics Board, you can use a Widgets/Metric, which is:

 A)  an executive-level overview of common, aggregated metrics.
 B)  an individual display of a specific metric.
 C)  a pre-set campaign template, targeted at specific social media objectives.
 D)  a tool for tracking the posts and conversations happening in your area.
 E)  a pre-set displays of Line Charts, Tables, and TreeMaps.  

If you’ve selected ____________________ for your campaign, you can monitor, accept or reject campaign entries before they are displayed in your social gallery, which is important for assuring the quality of the content that will become associated with your brand.

If you’ve selected ____________________ for your campaign, you can monitor, accept or reject campaign entries before they are displayed in your social gallery, which is important for assuring the quality of the content that will become associated with your brand.

 A)  "Entry Moderation"
 B)  "Brand Protection"
 C)  "Curate Submissions"
 D)  "Enable Censor"

In the ___________________, fill in the content for the tabs that will be displayed on your Enterprise Campaign page, such as terms and conditions.

In the ___________________, fill in the content for the tabs that will be displayed on your Enterprise Campaign page, such as terms and conditions.

 A)  Engagement section
 B)  Page Content section
 C)  Miscellaneous section
 D)  Publisher Preview section
 E)  Content Library section

Which of the following is a true statement about using Hootsuite Amplify?

Which of the following is a true statement about using Hootsuite Amplify?

 A)  a company must have a Google Ad Sense account connected to a super-admin's email address first
 B)  you can pay to boost posts on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter AND Instagram
 C)  employees need to connect their personal social networks in order to share content
 D)  a company must have a Facebook Business Manager account set up first
 E)  anyone can share content on a company's behalf with Amplify plug in

Which Hootsuite product supports an employee advocacy strategy by making it easy for employees to share approved company content over their social profiles?

Which Hootsuite product supports an employee advocacy strategy by making it easy for employees to share approved company content over their social profiles?

 A)  Hootsuite Impressions
 B)  Hootsuite Amplify
 C)  Hootsuite Engagement
 D)  Hootsuite Influencer
 E)  Hootsuite Advocacy

UpWork Magento Test Answers

UpWork Magento Test Answers

Magento Test

From 20 up to 60 questions
About 60 minutes
The test will provide a variety of question from easy to hard ones

We need to make the following actions in order to create a module with one payment method that will?

  • accept credit card information
  • authorize it when an order is submitted
  • save the transaction ID in order payment record
Module declaration, module configuration, adapter model, declaring configuration options for admin panel, database updates
Module declaration, module validation, module configuration, declaring configuration options for admin panel, database updates
Module declaration, module validation, module configuration, adapter model, declare configuration options for admin panel, database updates
Configuration options from admin panel

Which code will get the tax amount on a page in Magento?

$totalItemsInCart = Mage::helper(‘checkout/cart’)->getItemsCount();
$totals = Mage::getSingleton(‘checkout/session’)->getQuote()->getTotals();
$subtotal = round($totals["subtotal"]->getValue());
$grandtotal = round($totals["grand_total"]->getValue());
>if(isset($totals['discount']) && $totals['discount']->getValue()) {
$discount = round($totals['discount']->getValue());
} else {
$discount = ”;

if(isset($totals['tax']) && $totals['tax']->getValue()) {
$tax = round($totals['tax']->getValue());
} else {
$tax = ”;
$order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load($order_id);
$items = $order->getAllItems();
$subtotals = array();
foreach ($items as $_item) {
   if (array_key_exists($subtotals[$_item->getTaxClassId()])) {
       $subtotals[$_item->getTaxClassId()] += $_item->getRowTotal();
   } else {
       $subtotals[$_item->getTaxClassId()] = $_item->getRowTotal();
$order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->loadByIncrementId($this->getOrderId());
$data = $order->getData();

Which command can you use to clear the directories?

rm -rf <your Magento install dir>/var/data/* <your Magento install dir>/var/generation/*
rm -rf <your Magento install dir>/var/di/* <your Magento install dir>/var/generation/*
rm +rf <your Magento install dir>/var/di/* <your Magento install dir>/var/generation/*
rm -rf <your Magento install dir> -> /var/di/* <your Magento install dir>/var/generation/*

Select which method will register observers/hooks to events in Magento?

Using the option in the Magento Admin panel:
System > Configuration > Advanced > Developer > Register Observer
Registering observers using the XML layout of the module:


Function myglobalobserver($event,$args){
case ‘event1’:
case ‘event2’:

Magento has the following codepool?

Community, Advanced and Local
Core, Community and Local
Remote, Core and Community
None of the above.

The "Suspected Fraud" Order status is grouped under which state?

Processing state
Payment Processing  state
Pending shipment state
Payment Review state

Which of the following can be used to get the latest n products?

$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
$collection->getSelect()->order('entity_id desc')->limit(n);
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
$collection->getSelect()->orderBy('entity_id desc')->limit(n);
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/products')->getCollections();
$collection->getSelect()->orderBy('entity_id desc')->limit(n);
None of the above

Which of the following piece of codes can be used to get Magento clients by payment method?

$collection = Mage::getResourceModel('sales/order_payment_collection')->addFieldToSelect('*')->addFieldToFilter('method', "mundipagg_boleto");
 foreach ($collection as $orderPayment) {
     $orderId = $orderPayment->getParentId();
     $order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load($orderId);
     $customerId = $order->getCustomerId();
$collection = Mage::getResourceModel('sales/order_payment_collection')->addFieldToSelect('*');
 foreach ($collection as $method) {
     if ($method->getMethod() == "mundipagg_boleto") {
          print $method->getMethod()."<br>";
$collection = Mage::getResourceModel('sales/order_payment_collection')->addFieldToSelect('*')->addField('method', "mundipagg_boleto");;
 foreach ($collection as $method) {
     if ($method->getMethod() == "mundipagg_boleto") {
          print $method->getMethod()."<br>";
All of the above

Which of the following tasks can be performed by Command Line Interface?

Installing Magento
Clearing the cache
Managing indexes, including reindexing
Creating translation dictionaries and translation packages
All of the above

What is the file format for a data upgrade script?


Which of the following is not a Magento cache type?

Page cache
Entity attribute value (EAV)

Which code will get active store information (such as the store's name) in Magento?

None of the above

Which function can be used to get the image Width and Height?

Imagesx() , Imagesy()
getWidth() , getHeight()
scaleX() , ScalyY()
Imagex() , Imagey()

What function fits in this code snippet?

class Namespace_Module_Block_Content extends Mage_Core_Block_Template {
protected function _construct() {
          $this->[function] ('namespace/module/content.phtml');

What does the following tag mean in module's config.xml file?

allow all available countries
allow all countries specified in the country list
shipping not allowed
None of the above

Which of the following files does Magento use to detect maintenance mode?

None of the above

How can you access the Magento theme directory?

All of the above

Which code is used to specify JavaScript resources mapping?

var config = {
   paths: {
       // configuration for resource 'app/code/Magento/Catalog/controller/frontend/product/product.js'
       "product": "./product/product"
var config = {
   paths: {
       // configuration for resource 'app/code/Magento/Catalog/view/frontend/product/product.js'
       "product": "./product/product"
var config = {
   paths: {
       // configuration for resource 'app/code/Magento/Catalog/model/frontend/product/product.js'
       "product": "./product/product"
var config = {
   paths: {
       // configuration for resource 'app/code/Magento/Catalog/js/frontend/product/product.js'
       "product": "./product/product"

Which of the following Magento objects will be created during checkout?


A gift registry will hold the following informations?

Note: There may be more than one right answer.
List of products
Event location
Event name
Event id

Which of the following are the methods of PayPal Payment Gateways?

Note: There may be more than one right answer.
Payflow Pro (Includes Express Checkout)
Payflow Link (Includes Express Checkout)
Payflow Add (Includes Express Checkout)
Payflow List (Includes Express Checkout)

Which Magento command is used to display the current deployment mode?

magento deploy:mode
magento mode:show
magento deploy:mode:show
None of the above

Which theme file defines the location information in Magento 2.0?


What is the difference between subtotal price and base subtotal?

Base subtotal is in the customer's currency and subtotal is in your shop's base currency
Subtotal in the customer's currency and base subtotal is in your shop's base currency
Subtotal includes taxes, base subtotal does not
Nothing special, it’s the same value

The controller action _____ method is called each time before calling the action method itself?


Which code is used to get the Total Price of items currently in the cart?

helper(‘checkout’)->formatPrice(Mage::getSingleton(‘checkout/cart’)->getPrice()->getGrandTotal()); ?>
helper(‘checkout’)->formatPrice(Mage::getSingleton({‘checkout/cart’})->getQuotes()->getGrandTotal()); ?>
helper(‘checkout’)->formatPrice(Mage::getSingleton(‘checkout/cart’)->getQuote()->getGrandTotal()); ?>
helper(‘checkout’)->formatPrices(Mage::getSingletons(‘checkout/cart’)->getQuote()->getGrandTotal()); ?>

How can you get Magento extension to run javascript when an item is added to the cart?

   <reference name="footer">
       <block type="core/templates" name="INSERT_CUSTOM_NAME_HERE" template="path/to/your/phtml/file.phtml" />
   <reference name="footer">
       <block type="core/template" name="INSERT_CUSTOM_NAME_HERE" template="path/to/your/phtml/file.phtml" />
   <reference name="footer">
       <block type="core/template" name="INSERT_CUSTOM_NAME_HERE" template="path/to/your/phtml/file.phtml" />
All of the above

What happens when you edit an existing order using the order management page?

Depending on the order status, different editing forms appear for the current order
The current order is cancelled and a new order is created from scratch based on the current order's data.
It will work well and let me edit the order.
A form appears that allows you to edit shopping information for the current order only

When we are using .htaccess, how can you redirect all admin pages in Magento to another domain and subdirectory?

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/(media|skin|js)/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !admin
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !index.php [NC]
RewriteRule ^ [R=302,L]
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/index\.php/admin [NC]
RewriteRule ^ - [L]
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} !/new/ [NC]
RewriteRule !^new/ /new%{REQUEST_URI} [NC,R=301,L]
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/index\.php/admin [NC]
RewriteRule ^ - [L]
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} !/new/ [NC]
RewriteRule !^new/ /new%{REQUEST_URI} [NC,R=301,L]
All of the above

Which statement is correct regarding Theme's registration.php file?

It contains the basic meta-information, like the theme name and the parent theme name, and the theme is inherited from an existing theme.
It is required to register your theme in the system.
This file is optional.
Describes the theme dependencies and some meta-information.

Which of the following is not a Magento product type?

Simple Product
Complex Product
Grouped Product
Configurable Product
Virtual Product

Which PHP framework does Magento use?


Which of the following conditions can be checked to track down a product that is not showing in a category page? (choose all that apply)

Note: There may be more than one right answer.
Product visibility must be "Listed";
Product must be enabled;
Stock and quantity must be greater than 0;
If using multiple websites, check which website the product points to;

If module A declares a dependency upon Module B, which of the following is not valid to declare such dependency?

In Module A's module.xml file, Module B is listed in the <sequence> list
declare a dependency upon Module B in A's composer.json
declare a dependency upon Module A in B's composer.json
in the deployment configuration, Modules A and B must both be defined as enabled.

When migrating a Magento store to a new server, after moving the files and the database, where must the database access details be configured for the new server?

Database table ‘core_config_data’ file at magento root

What model property is responsible for the naming of this event: "catalog_product_after_load"?

$_eventName property
$_eventDataKey property
$_eventObject property
$_eventPrefix property

How do you change an order status to complete?

Directly in the database
By clicking Complete button
You need to create shipping for order
You need to create an invoice and shipping

How do you forward to a specific external URL outside Magento from your controller?

_forward ($url)
_redirectUrl ($url)

Static __ is a silent function of a class, which is stored in the memory space of a class (not objects)?


Which relationship is not possible between two modules?

reacts to