
To generate time metrics based on tags you need to:

A) assign a unique tag to each member of your team.
B) do nothing. Tags are applied automatically.
C) label all messages in with tags in batches at the end of a 24 hour cycle.
D) apply a tag to either the inbound message or your outbound response.

It’s important to consider adjusting a user’s Social Network permissions (or access) because:

A) it allows customer service queries to be ‘auto-assigned’ to the relevant team
B) you may not want every team or member to have access to every social network
C) it’s a required step for posting anything to a social network
D) without it, the network won’t appear in the Social Profile Picked in the Compose Box

Which Hootsuite product provides a repository of pre-approved resources that allow easy and seamless social sharing by Hootsuite team members?

Within the Compose Box, you have 4 options for scheduling a message. Which one of the following is NOT an option for scheduling in the compose box?

"Suggested Content" Scheduling
Manually schedule
Using the 'View Date in Publisher' button

Within the Compose Box, you have 4 options for scheduling a message. Which one of the following is NOT an option for scheduling in the compose box

Related keywords:

new scheduled add specific campaigns send
message use social select campaign time
send new scheduled add specific campaigns 

purchase royalty free stock images for use in social campaigns
keep a record of all incoming social messages from fans and followers, as well as reponses
easily share pre-approved messaging and visuals to the networks connected to their social dashboard
share content automatically from trusted websites and blogs
select relevant news stories to share from a bank of content automatically curated according to previous publishing history


The content library is a place for storing and organizing an Enterprise organization’s approved assets, which can be lightweight images or message templates. An organization can have multiple libraries, which can be shared with selected teams within the organization. There is no limit to the amount of content that can be stored within a library.

Hootsuite's content library allows employees to

Specifying social network permissions allows a different level of access to particular social media profiles. These permissions can be granted by:

A) those with Editor of Admin privileges
B) anyone with Default or Editor permissions
C) team admins, department admins
D) organization super-admins, and admins

With using the Instagram integration in Hootsuite, you can set up custom search streams to keep track of:

A) keywords, geocode searches, popular searches
B) specific hashtags, the feeds of specific users, and locations
C) posts specific users have Liked, hashtags, locations, popular searches
D) hashtags, popular searches, top hashtags by industry, and locations
E) locations, comments made on your posts, keywords or phrases

Within Hootsuite Analytics, you can use Widgets/Metrics, which are:

A) pre-set displays of Line Charts, Tables, and TreeMaps
B) tools for tracking the posts and conversations happening in your area
C) executive-level overviews of common, aggregated metrics
D) pre-set campaign templates, targeted at specific social media objectives
E) individual displays of a specific metric

To begin using Hootsuite, you need to connect your social media accounts. Two areas where you can add a social network are: (pick two)

Navigation Bar
Engagement view (also known as streams view)
Account View/User Profile
Compose Box
Quick Search


Hootsuite's Social Profile Picker is a powerful tool for efficiently sharing messages with your social networks. You’ll find it in the top-left corner of the dashboard beside the compose message box.
Note: YouTube channels don’t appear in the Social Profile Picker, as YouTube video uploads are done separately, and then shared out to other social profiles afterwards.

To begin using Hootsuite, you need to connect your social media accounts. Two areas where you can add a social network are

Related keywords:

click post twitter menu like blog business
add facebook account free networks
business post twitter menu like blog  click 

Hootsuite Organizations is:

a tool for collaborating as a team to manage social media activities
a network of partner companies who make apps for the Hootsuite platform
a consulting service provided by Hootsuite to Enterprise clients
the Hootsuite umbrella company
a consortium of companies who own the internet

Hootsuite Organizations is:

Related keyword:

Hootsuite Organizations is

With Hootsuite’s Mobile App you can share ______________ with teams, which allows everyone to monitor the same social feed and see which messages have been responded to and by whom.

Engagement Streams
Message Approvals
The Publisher
Content Library

Using the Hootsuite Mobile App for Team Collaboration

With Hootsuite’s Mobile App you can share ______________ with teams, which allows everyone to monitor the same social feed and see which messages have been responded to and by whom

Related keywords:

using like member twitter
social hootsuite media use message team facebook free members
twitter using like member 

It’s important to consider adjusting a user’s Social Network permissions (or access) because:

A) it allows customer service queries to be ‘auto-assigned’ to the relevant team
B) you may not want every team or member to have access to every social network
C) it’s a required step for posting anything to a social network
D) without it, the network won’t appear in the Social Profile Picked in the Compose Box

Hootsuite Mobile gives you access to:

A) Publisher, Comments, Compose Box, Search, Insights
B) Streams, Campaigns, Search, Insights, Settings
C) Publisher, Streams, Campaigns, Insights, Settings
D) Streams, Content Library, Insights, Search and Settings
E) Streams, Publisher, Compose box, Search and Settings

By default, which of these is NOT considered a “medium” in Google Analytics?

By default, which of these is NOT considered a “medium” in Google Analytics?


There are only 3 default medium in Google Analytics i.e Organic, Referral and None.
Google Analytics detects three mediums without any customization.
  • The first default medium is “organic.” It represents traffic that comes from organic, or unpaid, search results.
  • Another default medium is “referral.” Any traffic that comes to your site from another website that’s not a search engine will show up in your reports as a “referral.”
  • The final default medium is “(none).” This medium is applied only for users that come directly to your site by either typing your URL into a browser or clicking on a bookmark. In your reports, you will see these users have a source of “direct” and a medium of “(none).”

Google Analytics filters are applied in the order in which they are set in your view.



By default, view filters are applied to the data in the order in which the filters were added. So, if there are existing filters for a view, your new filter is applied after them.

Once you have deleted a view, you have a limited number of days to restore that view.


A view is permanently deleted 35 days after being moved to the Trash Can. Once deleted, the view is gone, and we are not be able to retrieve any historical data or reinstate the reports. This includes any setting and configuration preferences, like Goals and user permissions, but does not include data saved at the property or account level.

Which of these is NOT a benefit of Remarketing in Google Analytics?

Which of these is NOT a benefit of Remarketing in Google Analytics?

Create remarketing lists without making changes to your existing Analytics snippet
Allow customers to reorder an item they have previously purchased
Create remarketing lists based on custom segments and targets
Show customized ads to customers who have previously visited your site

A remarketing audience is a list of cookies or mobile-advertising IDs that represents a group of users you want to re-engage because of their likelihood to convert. You create remarketing audiences based on user behavior on your site or app, and then use those audiences as the basis for remarketing campaigns.

Which campaigns require you to add manual tags to destination URLs for tracking?

None of the above
AdWords campaigns
Email campaigns
AdWords and email campaigns

By adding campaign parameters to your URLs, you can identify the campaigns that send traffic to your site. When a user clicks a referral link, these parameters are sent to Analytics, so you can see the effectiveness of each campaign in your reports. Google Adwords gives you an option to track campaign using auto-tagging.

You can only apply a Custom Dimension to data that was collected after you created the dimension.

Which type of Custom Report shows a static sortable table with rows of data?

Pivot Table
Map Overlay
Flat Table

  • Explorer: The standard Analytics report. Includes a line graph and a data table that includes dynamic elements like a search/sort option and secondary dimensions.
  • Flat Table: A static, sortable table that displays data in rows.
  • Map Overlay: A map of the world. Different regions and countries display in darker colors to indicate traffic and engagement volume.

When will the Analytics tracking code send a pageview hit to Google Analytics?

Every time a user performs an action with pageview tracking implemented
Every time a user adds an event to their calendar
Every time a user makes a reservation
Every time a user performs an action with event tracking implemented

Analytics tracking code send an event hit to Google Analytics whenever a user performs an action with event tracking implemented.

Which reports can show you how website referrals, organic search, and ad campaigns assisted in the conversion process?

Which reports can show you how website referrals, organic search, and ad campaigns assisted in the conversion process?

Acquisition reports
Goals reports
Ecommerce reports
Multi-Channel Funnel reports

By default, the channel labels that you see in Multi-Channel Funnels reports (Paid Search, Organic Search, Social Network, etc.) are defined as part of the MCF Channel Grouping. If you have specific analysis requirements, you may wish to create your own Custom Channel Grouping(s), each with its own set of labels. When you share a Custom Channel Grouping, only the configuration information is shared. Your data remains private. The following channel labels are defined as part of the MCF Channel Grouping and are the labels used by default in your reports. The channel definitions are not case sensitive.

By default, when does an Analytics session expire?

At noon every day
When a user opens another browser window
When a user is inactive on your website for more than 30 minutes
After 30 minutes, regardless of user activity on your website

Sessions and campaigns end after a specific amount of time passes. By default, sessions end after 30 minutes of inactivity and campaigns end after six months. You can change the settings so sessions and campaigns end after the specified amount of time has passed.

If you wanted to track what search terms customers used to find products on your website, what would you set up?

Data Import
Search filters
Enhanced Ecommerce
Site Search

Site Search lets you understand the extent to which users took advantage of your site’s search function, which search terms they entered, and how effectively the search results created deeper engagement with your site.
Read more here:

Which of these is NOT possible when you link your AdWords account to Google Analytics?

Create remarketing lists in Analytics to use in AdWords campaigns
View AdWords click and cost data alongside your site engagement data in Google Analytics
Adjust keyword bids inside Google Analytics
Import Analytics goals and transactions into AdWords as conversions

Linking your AdWords account to your Analytics property lets you see the full customer cycle, from how they interact with your marketing (e.g., seeing ad impressions, clicking ads) to how they finally complete the goals you’ve set for them on your site (e.g., making purchases, consuming content).
Read more here:

What is a “secondary dimension” in Google Analytics?

An additional widget you can add to a dashboard for more specific analysis.
An additional metric you can add to a report for more specific analysis.
An additional dimension you can add to a report for more specific analysis.
A visualization that allows you to understand the impact of your data.

Secondary dimension actually let you analyze the report more specifically.

Which reports show websites that send traffic to your pages?

Which reports show websites that send traffic to your pages?

All Traffic

All the websites that send traffic to your website come under “Referrals” in Google Analytics. You can reach to “Referrals” through “All Traffic” under “Acquisition” tab.

How would you reduce the time it takes to compile reports in Google Analytics?

Remove any filters you have added to the view
Choose “Faster response” in the sampling pulldown menu
Choose “Greater precision” in the sampling pulldown menu
Remove any Secondary Dimensions you have added to the report

At the top of the report, below the date range selector, select Faster response, less precision or Slower response, greater precision. Your data automatically refreshes using the new setting. Your preference is saved across all of your reports, but resets after you close Analytics.
Read more here:

Smart Goals are created automatically by Google's machine-learning algorithms


Smart Goals are configured at the view level. Smart Goals uses machine learning to examine dozens of signals about your website sessions to determine which of those are most likely to result in a conversion.
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What is required for User ID to track users across different devices?

A new Analytics account for reporting
Google Tag Manager
that generates and sets unique IDs
All of the above

The User ID enables the association of one or more sessions (and any activity within those sessions) with a unique and persistent ID that you send to Analytics. To implement the User ID, you must be able to generate your own unique IDs, consistently assign IDs to users, and include these IDs wherever you send data to Analytics. For example, you could send the unique IDs generated by your own authentication system to Analytics as values for the User ID. Any engagement, like link clicks and page or screen navigation, that happen while a unique ID is assigned can be sent and connected in Analytics via the User ID.

To collect how many times users downloaded a product catalog, what would you set up ?

Calculated Metrics
Event Tracking
Custom Report
Custom Dimension

Events are user interactions with content that can be tracked independently from a web page or a screen load. Downloads, mobile ad clicks, gadgets, Flash elements, AJAX embedded elements, and video plays are all examples of actions you might want to track as Events.

Which reports require you to activate Advertising Features?

Geo reports
Cohort Analysis reports
Real-time reports
Demographics and Interests reports

To make the Demographics and Interests data available in Analytics, you need to update Analytics to support Advertising Reporting Features and enable the Demographics and Interests reports.  When you enable Advertising Reporting Features, you allow Analytics to collect additional information from the DoubleClick cookie (web activity) and from Device Advertising IDs (app activity).

What is the “Bounce Rate” in Google Analytics?

The number of times unique users returned to your website in a given time period
The percentage of visits when a user landed on your website and exited without any interactions
The percentage of sessions in which a user exits from your homepage
The percentage of total site exits

A bounce is a single-page session on your site. In Analytics, a bounce is calculated specifically as a session that triggers only a single request to the Analytics server, such as when a user opens a single page on your site and then exits without triggering any other requests to the Analytics server during that session.
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