Benchmark data for comparisons across the competitive landscape
The average age of consumers viewing each specific product
Expected revenue for campaigns at various costs
The number of clicks for each specific product
Benchmark data for comparisons across the competitive landscape
The average age of consumers viewing each specific product
Expected revenue for campaigns at various costs
The number of clicks for each specific product
To Earn User Clicks, Ginger Should Focus On Creating An Ad That _____. (Choose Two.) has a larger font size includes at least two different colors has a relevant headline includes a current promotion is listed after search results
The post To Earn User Clicks, Ginger Should Focus On Creating An Ad That _____. (Choose Two.) appeared first on Certification Answers.
Jared, expert en marketing numérique, souhaite ajouter un petit plus à ses annonces pour inciter davantage les utilisateurs à cliquer dessus et à effectuer des conversions. Il envisage d’utiliser les deux champs facultatifs “Chemin” qui composent l’URL de l’annonce, mais il doit s’assurer que son message sera adapté. Quel est le nombre maximal de caractères […]
The post Jared, expert en marketing numérique, souhaite ajouter un petit plus à ses annonces pour inciter davantage les utilisateurs à cliquer dessus et à effectuer des conversions. Il envisage d’utiliser les deux champs facultatifs “Chemin” qui composent l’URL de l’annonce, mais il doit s’assurer que son message sera adapté. Quel est le nombre maximal de caractères que chacun de ces champs facultatifs peut contenir ? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Alex a lancé une campagne sur le Réseau de Recherche pour promouvoir sa boutique en ligne d’accessoires de moto, spécialisée dans les casques personnalisés. Quel peut être l’avantage des annonces sur le Réseau de Recherche de Google pour lui ? Son annonce sera diffusée auprès des internautes recherchant des informations sur des casques. Son […]
The post Alex a lancé une campagne sur le Réseau de Recherche pour promouvoir sa boutique en ligne d’accessoires de moto, spécialisée dans les casques personnalisés. Quel peut être l’avantage des annonces sur le Réseau de Recherche de Google pour lui ? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Rachid souhaite faire connaître son entreprise et, à cette fin, créer des campagnes utilisant des termes associés à sa marque. Il n’a pas beaucoup de temps à consacrer à la gestion quotidienne des enchères. Il a donc décidé de recourir aux enchères automatiques pour alléger sa charge de travail. Quelle stratégie d’enchères automatiques Rachid devrait-il […]
The post Rachid souhaite faire connaître son entreprise et, à cette fin, créer des campagnes utilisant des termes associés à sa marque. Il n’a pas beaucoup de temps à consacrer à la gestion quotidienne des enchères. Il a donc décidé de recourir aux enchères automatiques pour alléger sa charge de travail. Quelle stratégie d’enchères automatiques Rachid devrait-il envisager d’utiliser ? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Vous cherchez à améliorer le niveau de qualité d’une annonce sur le Réseau de Recherche de Google en augmentant le taux de clics attendu. Votre objectif est d’encourager un plus grand nombre d’utilisateurs à cliquer sur l’annonce et à visiter votre site Web. Qu’est-ce qui pourrait faire augmenter le nombre de clics générés par votre […]
The post Vous cherchez à améliorer le niveau de qualité d’une annonce sur le Réseau de Recherche de Google en augmentant le taux de clics attendu. Votre objectif est d’encourager un plus grand nombre d’utilisateurs à cliquer sur l’annonce et à visiter votre site Web. Qu’est-ce qui pourrait faire augmenter le nombre de clics générés par votre annonce ? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Laurie a créé sa première campagne sur le Réseau de Recherche de Google pour faire la publicité de son école de yoga. Elle sélectionne ce réseau et, par défaut, les partenaires du Réseau de Recherche de Google. Quel est l’intérêt d’apparaître sur les sites de ces partenaires ? Toucher les internautes sur tous les […]
The post Laurie a créé sa première campagne sur le Réseau de Recherche de Google pour faire la publicité de son école de yoga. Elle sélectionne ce réseau et, par défaut, les partenaires du Réseau de Recherche de Google. Quel est l’intérêt d’apparaître sur les sites de ces partenaires ? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Par quels moyens le Planificateur de performances peut-il révéler les possibilités qu’offrent vos campagnes Google Ads ? (Choisissez deux réponses.) Validation Différenciation Instrumentation Répartition Simulation
The post Par quels moyens le Planificateur de performances peut-il révéler les possibilités qu’offrent vos campagnes Google Ads ? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Associez chaque extension d’annonce au bénéfice qu’elle peut apporter à l’utilisateur en termes d’expérience publicitaire. 1 Extensions d’extraits de site 2 Extensions d’appel Extensions d’accroche Extensions Liens annexes
The post Associez chaque extension d’annonce au bénéfice qu’elle peut apporter à l’utilisateur en termes d’expérience publicitaire. appeared first on Certification Answers.
Quelle recommandation pertinente le Planificateur de performances peut-il proposer ? Créer des versions alternatives des variantes d’annonces les plus performantes Définir un CPA (coût par acquisition) cible spécifique Ajouter un groupe thématique de mots clés à exclure Procéder à des ajustements spécifiques des enchères sur le ciblage géographique et par type d’appareil
The post Quelle recommandation pertinente le Planificateur de performances peut-il proposer ? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Vous essayez d’améliorer la qualité d’une annonce pour obtenir de meilleures performances lors des enchères publicitaires. Quel changement serait le moins efficace ? Créer des annonces qui ont un rapport avec les mots clés. Élever le montant des enchères. Afficher une page de destination claire et simple. Créer des annonces susceptibles d’enregistrer des clics. […]
The post Vous essayez d’améliorer la qualité d’une annonce pour obtenir de meilleures performances lors des enchères publicitaires. Quel changement serait le moins efficace ? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Sam découvre les annonces sur le Réseau de Recherche de Google. Il craint de ne pas avoir les compétences ni le temps nécessaires pour mener une campagne publicitaire efficace. Quelles fonctionnalités des annonces dynamiques du Réseau de Recherche seront utiles à Sam ? Choisissez deux réponses. Les annonces dynamiques du Réseau de Recherche ne […]
The post Sam découvre les annonces sur le Réseau de Recherche de Google. Il craint de ne pas avoir les compétences ni le temps nécessaires pour mener une campagne publicitaire efficace. Quelles fonctionnalités des annonces dynamiques du Réseau de Recherche seront utiles à Sam ? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Mickaël a créé une annonce de haute qualité avec une liste de mots clés performante. Il est déçu qu’elle ne soit pas diffusée autant qu’il le souhaiterait. Pourquoi n’obtient-il pas les résultats attendus ? L’enchère proposée pour l’annonce n’est pas assez élevée. Les utilisateurs orthographient mal ses mots clés. Il y a trop d’informations […]
The post Mickaël a créé une annonce de haute qualité avec une liste de mots clés performante. Il est déçu qu’elle ne soit pas diffusée autant qu’il le souhaiterait. Pourquoi n’obtient-il pas les résultats attendus ? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Larry owns a dry cleaning business and would like to give his customers every opportunity to reach him. His Google My Business panel provides his phone number, but he knows some of his online customers would prefer to text when requesting information. How can Google My Business help Larry? Larry can set turn on […]
The post Larry owns a dry cleaning business and would like to give his customers every opportunity to reach him. His Google My Business panel provides his phone number, but he knows some of his online customers would prefer to text when requesting information. How can Google My Business help Larry? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Olyana is about to implement a Google Ads campaign for her online business. She’s inserted a phone snippet on her website to replace her business number with a Google forwarding number. What will this allow Olyana to do now? Record which ad led to a call conversion Push automated promotional ads to callers Capture […]
The post Olyana is about to implement a Google Ads campaign for her online business. She’s inserted a phone snippet on her website to replace her business number with a Google forwarding number. What will this allow Olyana to do now? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Lance has been running Local Inventory ads to promote his antique toy shop. He’s considering running additional ad campaigns with Google. What’s an easy next step Lance can take to expand his brand’s marketing reach? Transition entirely to digital marketing by eliminating traditional print materials. Run targeted Local Catalog ads using data from existing […]
The post Lance has been running Local Inventory ads to promote his antique toy shop. He’s considering running additional ad campaigns with Google. What’s an easy next step Lance can take to expand his brand’s marketing reach? appeared first on Certification Answers.
How do Shopping ads help improve the quality of leads over standard text ads? A Shopping ad will appear on more diverse platforms than a text ad. Shopping ads are visually enticing while providing detailed product information. Shopping ads only show your products to customers who’ve purchased similar products. A Shopping ad for a […]
The post How do Shopping ads help improve the quality of leads over standard text ads? appeared first on Certification Answers.
By design, YouTube advertising specifically delivers three distinct business outcomes to advertisers. What are the three business outcomes YouTube, by design, delivers? Listening, monitoring, following up Verification, confirmation, response Identity, recommendation, meaning Awareness, consideration, action
The post By design, YouTube advertising specifically delivers three distinct business outcomes to advertisers. What are the three business outcomes YouTube, by design, delivers? appeared first on Certification Answers.
YouTube Audience Solutions Help Brands Reach The Most Attractive Prospects By Tapping Into Real-Time Data And Powerful Signals. This Gives Brands The Tools They Need To Be More Effective Storytellers. What’s Another Benefit Of Using YouTube Audience Solutions? Lower budget cap Cross-device reach Free Google credits
The post YouTube Audience Solutions Help Brands Reach The Most Attractive Prospects By Tapping Into Real-Time Data And Powerful Signals. This Gives Brands The Tools They Need To Be More Effective Storytellers. What’s Another Benefit Of Using YouTube Audience Solutions? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Today, Customers Demand More From Store Owners With Virtual Storefronts. They Want To Know That The Products They’re Looking For Are In-Stock Before They Make A Trip To A Physical Location. How Can Google Shopping’s Local Inventory Ads Help Store Owners Meet This Demand? Local inventory ads provide customers with alternative products that match […]
The post Today, Customers Demand More From Store Owners With Virtual Storefronts. They Want To Know That The Products They’re Looking For Are In-Stock Before They Make A Trip To A Physical Location. How Can Google Shopping’s Local Inventory Ads Help Store Owners Meet This Demand? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Sylvia Has Four Store Locations And Is Considering Using Location Extensions With Her Google Ads. What Can Users See When Displaying An Ad With Location Extensions? Photos/images for products she sells A website sitemap with specific page links A clickable link to a details page for her business location A customized ad for each […]
The post Sylvia Has Four Store Locations And Is Considering Using Location Extensions With Her Google Ads. What Can Users See When Displaying An Ad With Location Extensions? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Carl Is Nearly Finished With The Conversion Tracking Setup For His Google Ad Campaign And Is Ready To Add An Event Tag To His Existing Website. What Must Carl Do To Make Sure That The Tags Are Not Double Counting? Remove any existing JavaScript code. Remove any legacy conversion tag. Make sure that all […]
The post Carl Is Nearly Finished With The Conversion Tracking Setup For His Google Ad Campaign And Is Ready To Add An Event Tag To His Existing Website. What Must Carl Do To Make Sure That The Tags Are Not Double Counting? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Drew’s newest client has heard a great deal about the effectiveness of YouTube’s audience solutions, but he’s still not convinced it’s right for his business. He wants to know why an advertiser would choose to include YouTube audience solutions in a campaign. What are three reasons advertisers would choose YouTube audience solutions? Lower auction […]
The post Drew’s newest client has heard a great deal about the effectiveness of YouTube’s audience solutions, but he’s still not convinced it’s right for his business. He wants to know why an advertiser would choose to include YouTube audience solutions in a campaign. What are three reasons advertisers would choose YouTube audience solutions? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Curtis recently created a Google My Business Account. He wants to learn how his people are finding his business listing on the web and how they interacted with his listing. Which Google My Business feature can Curtis use to accomplish this? Google My Business reviews Google My Business services Google My Business insights Google […]
The post Curtis recently created a Google My Business Account. He wants to learn how his people are finding his business listing on the web and how they interacted with his listing. Which Google My Business feature can Curtis use to accomplish this? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Courtney sells handbags through her online boutique. Her online normal campaigns have produced a lot of clicks but not as many sales as she expected. How would Google Shopping ads help make sure the clicks the ads receive come from customers more interested in her products? By showing ads more frequently than other campaign […]
The post Courtney sells handbags through her online boutique. Her online normal campaigns have produced a lot of clicks but not as many sales as she expected. How would Google Shopping ads help make sure the clicks the ads receive come from customers more interested in her products? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Sarah Is A Digital Marketing Consultant. With 90% Of Sales Still Taking Place In A Physical Location, She Knows Her Clients Need To Reach Customers Across Multiple Channels. Which Type Of Marketing Strategy Can Sarah Use To Motivate Sales To Her Client’s Physical Locations? Display advertising An online-to-offline strategy Third-party lead generation Search engine […]
The post Sarah Is A Digital Marketing Consultant. With 90% Of Sales Still Taking Place In A Physical Location, She Knows Her Clients Need To Reach Customers Across Multiple Channels. Which Type Of Marketing Strategy Can Sarah Use To Motivate Sales To Her Client’s Physical Locations? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Cheryl Owns HomeThings, A Shop That Sells Home Goods. You, As Her Marketing Intern, Are Describing The Various Google Ad Offerings. What’s An Accurate Description Of Local Catalog Ads You Could Give Cheryl? They use brand ambassadors to promote less popular products. They’re traditional print-marketing materials delivered by mail. They’re mobile-based ads that showcase […]
The post Cheryl Owns HomeThings, A Shop That Sells Home Goods. You, As Her Marketing Intern, Are Describing The Various Google Ad Offerings. What’s An Accurate Description Of Local Catalog Ads You Could Give Cheryl? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Sara Is Building A Campaign For A Sporting Goods Startup With A Revolutionary New Bike Helmet. She’s Using Custom Affinity To Reach Users Who Recently Searched For Bike Helmets Or Downloaded A Bike-Related App. Which Elements Build Sara’s Custom Affinity Audience? App downloads, tours, website LAN, and app user permissions Calculations, returns, website SSL, […]
The post Sara Is Building A Campaign For A Sporting Goods Startup With A Revolutionary New Bike Helmet. She’s Using Custom Affinity To Reach Users Who Recently Searched For Bike Helmets Or Downloaded A Bike-Related App. Which Elements Build Sara’s Custom Affinity Audience? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Following The ABCD Framework, The Direct Component Has Three Basic Elements That, If Possible, Every YouTube Video Should Include. You Should Give Them Direction And Make The Offer Stand Out. What Third Element Of Direct Does The ABCDs Of YouTube Contain? Include two different language translations. Edit the video ad to run in under […]
The post Following The ABCD Framework, The Direct Component Has Three Basic Elements That, If Possible, Every YouTube Video Should Include. You Should Give Them Direction And Make The Offer Stand Out. What Third Element Of Direct Does The ABCDs Of YouTube Contain? appeared first on Certification Answers.
A small business uses Google Display ads to help deliver relevant advertising to people browsing the web. Which statement is true about where Google Display ads connects with these valuable audiences? Google Display ads connect with audiences through apps, YouTube, and millions of other websites affiliated with Google. Google Display ads deliver advertising on […]
The post A small business uses Google Display ads to help deliver relevant advertising to people browsing the web. Which statement is true about where Google Display ads connects with these valuable audiences? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Google Display lets advertisers choose between two main ad formats: responsive display ads and uploaded image ads. Match the benefit of each ad type to the appropriate ad format option. Uploaded image ads Responsive display ads Efficiency (2) Control (1)
The post Google Display lets advertisers choose between two main ad formats: responsive display ads and uploaded image ads. Match the benefit of each ad type to the appropriate ad format option. appeared first on Certification Answers.
Kevin has a large collection of images and videos available for use but not a lot of time to design ad creatives for his Google Display ads campaign. Which Display ad format could Kevin use to save time? Image ads Uploaded ads Responsive display ads AMPHTML ads
The post Kevin has a large collection of images and videos available for use but not a lot of time to design ad creatives for his Google Display ads campaign. Which Display ad format could Kevin use to save time? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Barbara’s boss has asked her to use Google Ads to reach as many users searching as possible for terms around the services their business offers. Which keyword match type would help Barbara reach the most search queries that potential clients are using? Exact Broad Broad-match modifier Phrase
The post Barbara’s boss has asked her to use Google Ads to reach as many users searching as possible for terms around the services their business offers. Which keyword match type would help Barbara reach the most search queries that potential clients are using? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Tim is looking to buy a new skateboard. He goes to Google Search to research and purchase the best skateboard he can find. Organize the following steps in the logical order to describe how Tim’s interaction with Google Search Ads would occur from start to finish. Tim searches for “best skateboards”. Tim scans the […]
The post Tim is looking to buy a new skateboard. He goes to Google Search to research and purchase the best skateboard he can find. Organize the following steps in the logical order to describe how Tim’s interaction with Google Search Ads would occur from start to finish. appeared first on Certification Answers.
Ryan Manages YouTube Campaigns For A Client Who’s Interested In How Engaged His Viewers Are With His Content. He’d Really Like To Know When They’re Dropping Off, To Make His Calls-To-Action Are Visible. Which YouTube Analytics Report Did Ryan Share With His Client? The traffic sources report The audience retention report The device duration […]
The post Ryan Manages YouTube Campaigns For A Client Who’s Interested In How Engaged His Viewers Are With His Content. He’d Really Like To Know When They’re Dropping Off, To Make His Calls-To-Action Are Visible. Which YouTube Analytics Report Did Ryan Share With His Client? appeared first on Certification Answers.
TrueView In-Stream And TrueView Discovery Ads Can Be Bought On A Cost-Per-View (CPV). TrueView For Reach Is Billed By CPM On Impression. Which TrueView Ad Format Is Billed By Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA)? TrueView discovery TrueView for action TrueView for reach TrueView in-stream
The post TrueView In-Stream And TrueView Discovery Ads Can Be Bought On A Cost-Per-View (CPV). TrueView For Reach Is Billed By CPM On Impression. Which TrueView Ad Format Is Billed By Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA)? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Advertisers Choose YouTube Because It Delivers Proven Results. What Are Two Additional Reasons Why Advertisers Choose YouTube? (Choose 2.) Offers effective Search ads for their audience Offers audience insights and advanced tools to help create impactful campaigns Offers audience engagement and attention Has the world’s largest digital asset library
The post Advertisers Choose YouTube Because It Delivers Proven Results. What Are Two Additional Reasons Why Advertisers Choose YouTube? (Choose 2.) appeared first on Certification Answers.
Dan Owns A Farm Supply Store That Sells Plows To Farmers. His Suppliers Released A New Plow, And He Wants To Get The Word Out To His Existing Customers Using Google Ads. He’s Got The Information Needed To Create A Customer Match Audience, But He’s Not Sure Where He Needs To Upload This Information. Where […]
The post Dan Owns A Farm Supply Store That Sells Plows To Farmers. His Suppliers Released A New Plow, And He Wants To Get The Word Out To His Existing Customers Using Google Ads. He’s Got The Information Needed To Create A Customer Match Audience, But He’s Not Sure Where He Needs To Upload This Information. Where Does Dan Upload Customer Information, Such As E-Mail Addresses, To Start The Customer Match Process? appeared first on Certification Answers.
How Do Smart Shopping Campaigns Use Machine Learning To Show A Variety Of The Most Relevant Ads Across Google Networks To Potential Customers? By testing different combinations of text and images By making suggestions for image styles By testing different font styles for specific product types By understanding all site visitors through demographic data […]
The post How Do Smart Shopping Campaigns Use Machine Learning To Show A Variety Of The Most Relevant Ads Across Google Networks To Potential Customers? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Three Core Principles, Focused On Helping Businesses Reach Their Online Potential, Are The Foundation For Google Ads. The First Of These Is Relevance. Google Ads Connects Businesses With The Right People At The Right Time. Upon Which Other Principles Was Google Ads Built? Control and results Credits and context Options and tracking Profit and […]
The post Three Core Principles, Focused On Helping Businesses Reach Their Online Potential, Are The Foundation For Google Ads. The First Of These Is Relevance. Google Ads Connects Businesses With The Right People At The Right Time. Upon Which Other Principles Was Google Ads Built? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Google Shopping Helps Retailers Provide Customers With Seamless Experiences Meant To Encourage Action. How Can Google Shopping Campaigns Accomplish This? They direct customers to find the cheapest price for the product you’re advertising. By providing relevant information, such as store hours, address, and product availability By giving shoppers instant savings on the products they’re […]
The post Google Shopping Helps Retailers Provide Customers With Seamless Experiences Meant To Encourage Action. How Can Google Shopping Campaigns Accomplish This? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Smart Display Campaigns Use Full Automation To Optimize And Automate Nearly All Aspects Of Your Display Campaigns. All You Have To Do Is Provide A Few Inputs. What Can A User Input In A Smart Display Campaign? All channels they wish to target A maximum conversion number Keyword bids and modifiers The images they […]
The post Smart Display Campaigns Use Full Automation To Optimize And Automate Nearly All Aspects Of Your Display Campaigns. All You Have To Do Is Provide A Few Inputs. What Can A User Input In A Smart Display Campaign? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Doreen Uses Google Search To Reach Customers As They Search For Products Similar To Hers. She’d Like To Create A Display Remarketing Campaign To Reconnect With Users And Increase Sales. How Might Remarketing Help Her Meet This Marketing Objective? It reaches TV-like audiences, based on a holistic picture of their lifestyles, interests, and passions. […]
The post Doreen Uses Google Search To Reach Customers As They Search For Products Similar To Hers. She’d Like To Create A Display Remarketing Campaign To Reconnect With Users And Increase Sales. How Might Remarketing Help Her Meet This Marketing Objective? appeared first on Certification Answers.
A Brand Manager Wants To Create A Marketing Objective That Aligns With The Purchase Stage Of The Customer Journey. Which Metric Should The Brand Manager Use? Return on ad spend Customer referrals Brand awareness Brand association
The post A Brand Manager Wants To Create A Marketing Objective That Aligns With The Purchase Stage Of The Customer Journey. Which Metric Should The Brand Manager Use? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Jana Is Building New Creatives For Her YouTube Campaign, Following The ABCDs Of YouTube Advertising. Her Creatives Use Real People In A Fast-Paced Setting To Attract Viewers. Audio And Video Communicate Her Logo And Brand Messaging. She’s Created A Connection Using Action To Evoke Excitement In Her Viewers. What Recommendation From The ABCDs Has She Yet To Implement?
She’s yet to direct her viewers on the specific actions they should take after viewing.
She needs to create a domain username and password for Performance Planner.
She hasn’t created a website page to house the YouTube video on a separate server.
She hasn’t set up the billing for the account that contains the YouTube campaign.
Yuto Owns A Souvenir Shop In Tokyo. He Wants To Reach English Speaking Tourists In His City During Certain Hours Of The Day. Which Three Areas Of His Search Campaign Does Yuto Need To Adjust To Achieve This Goal? (Choose Three.) Ad scheduling Network settings Location targeting Shared budgets Language targeting
The post Yuto Owns A Souvenir Shop In Tokyo. He Wants To Reach English Speaking Tourists In His City During Certain Hours Of The Day. Which Three Areas Of His Search Campaign Does Yuto Need To Adjust To Achieve This Goal? (Choose Three.) appeared first on Certification Answers.
Mary Has Been Familiarizing Herself With The Different Ad Components Of A Text Ad. Match The Following Text Ad Component Descriptions With The Components They Describe. Users often will often notice this first Allows advertisers to provide details about their product or service Takes users to a specific page of a website Gives users […]
The post Mary Has Been Familiarizing Herself With The Different Ad Components Of A Text Ad. Match The Following Text Ad Component Descriptions With The Components They Describe. appeared first on Certification Answers.
Jacob’s Physical Toy Store Relies On Offline Metrics, Such As Store Visits And In-Store Sales. He’s Heard That Specialized Campaign Types Can Help Him Meet These Kinds Of Goals. Which Campaign Type Can Help Jacob Achieve His Offline Business Objectives? Display Video Local Discovery
The post Jacob’s Physical Toy Store Relies On Offline Metrics, Such As Store Visits And In-Store Sales. He’s Heard That Specialized Campaign Types Can Help Him Meet These Kinds Of Goals. Which Campaign Type Can Help Jacob Achieve His Offline Business Objectives? appeared first on Certification Answers.
For Which Business Are Local Inventory Ads Ideal? QuikFixx, a start-up selling downloadable software to remove computer viruses Noah’s Designs, a made-to-order custom furniture shop with an online storefront Flowers by Beth, a floral shop that just opened a brick-and-mortar location TheArtSpace, a gallery that hosts potential customers by appointment
The post For Which Business Are Local Inventory Ads Ideal? appeared first on Certification Answers.
An Effective Bumper Ad Created, According To Google’s Best Practices, Includes A Combination Of Branding, Audio, And Breaking The Fourth Wall — Or Speaking Directly To The Camera. What Does Google Recommend You Avoid Using In Your Bumper Ad? Products, services, and domain Text slides, subtitles, and voice-overs Actors, animals, and comedy Graphics, promotions, […]
The post An Effective Bumper Ad Created, According To Google’s Best Practices, Includes A Combination Of Branding, Audio, And Breaking The Fourth Wall — Or Speaking Directly To The Camera. What Does Google Recommend You Avoid Using In Your Bumper Ad? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Jane Takes On The Task Of Explaining To A New Client Why YouTube Is The Best Place For Their Marketing Dollars. She Tells Them That, With Data And Tools, Google Powers YouTube And Delivers Proven Results. What Other Reason Could Jane Give To Convince Her Client To Use YouTube? YouTube has the smallest number […]
The post Jane Takes On The Task Of Explaining To A New Client Why YouTube Is The Best Place For Their Marketing Dollars. She Tells Them That, With Data And Tools, Google Powers YouTube And Delivers Proven Results. What Other Reason Could Jane Give To Convince Her Client To Use YouTube? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Marta Wants To Create A TrueView For Action Campaign To Grow Sales Of Her Products. She Knows Her History With YouTube Conversions Will Determine Which Smart Bidding Option She’ll Have To Use. What Are The Two Smart Bidding Options Available In TrueView For Action Campaigns? Cost-per-thousand impression and Maximize Clicks Max Conversions and target […]
The post Marta Wants To Create A TrueView For Action Campaign To Grow Sales Of Her Products. She Knows Her History With YouTube Conversions Will Determine Which Smart Bidding Option She’ll Have To Use. What Are The Two Smart Bidding Options Available In TrueView For Action Campaigns? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Lou’s Client Loves His Suggestion Of Building An Audience Using Specific Keywords To Capture Attention When Users Are Making An Active Purchase Decision. Which YouTube Intent Audience Solution Did Lou Suggest To His Client? Custom Intent audiences Core Customer audiences Life Events audiences Buy Signal audiences
The post Lou’s Client Loves His Suggestion Of Building An Audience Using Specific Keywords To Capture Attention When Users Are Making An Active Purchase Decision. Which YouTube Intent Audience Solution Did Lou Suggest To His Client? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Jana Is Building New Creatives For Her YouTube Campaign, Following The ABCDs Of YouTube Advertising. Her Creatives Use Real People In A Fast-Paced Setting To Attract Viewers. Audio And Video Communicate Her Logo And Brand Messaging. She’s Created A Connection Using Action To Evoke Excitement In Her Viewers. What Recommendation From The ABCDs Has She […]
The post Jana Is Building New Creatives For Her YouTube Campaign, Following The ABCDs Of YouTube Advertising. Her Creatives Use Real People In A Fast-Paced Setting To Attract Viewers. Audio And Video Communicate Her Logo And Brand Messaging. She’s Created A Connection Using Action To Evoke Excitement In Her Viewers. What Recommendation From The ABCDs Has She Yet To Implement? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Creators Choose YouTube For Its Reach And The Infrastructure Of Innovation The Platform Is Committed To Building. What Are Two Other Reason Creators Choose YouTube? (Choose 2.) YouTube creators can advertise job opportunities for potential applicants. YouTube creators are given the freedom to express themselves. YouTube creators can earn income by sharing ads alongside […]
The post Creators Choose YouTube For Its Reach And The Infrastructure Of Innovation The Platform Is Committed To Building. What Are Two Other Reason Creators Choose YouTube? (Choose 2.) appeared first on Certification Answers.
Wade Owns HomeThings, A Shop That Sells Home Cash-And-Carry Goods. He Says He’s Interested In Expanding His Marketing Reach. You Suggest Running A Local Catalog Ad. What’s An Accurate Description Of Local Catalog Ads You Could Give Wade? They’re information-dense full-color mailers. They’re visually appealing, easy-to-browse ads. They’re short text-based ads, delivered via SMS. […]
The post Wade Owns HomeThings, A Shop That Sells Home Cash-And-Carry Goods. He Says He’s Interested In Expanding His Marketing Reach. You Suggest Running A Local Catalog Ad. What’s An Accurate Description Of Local Catalog Ads You Could Give Wade? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Users Choose YouTube Because It Allows Them To Join An Online Community. This Allows YouTube Advertisers To Reach These Users Much More Effectively. What Are Two Other Reasons That Users Choose YouTube? (Choose 2.) Users choose YouTub to engage with their favorite creators Users choose YouTube to access a local cable provider. Users choose […]
The post Users Choose YouTube Because It Allows Them To Join An Online Community. This Allows YouTube Advertisers To Reach These Users Much More Effectively. What Are Two Other Reasons That Users Choose YouTube? (Choose 2.) appeared first on Certification Answers.
Amy’s Latest YouTube Advertising Campaign Was A Tremendous Success. She Saw More Activity Than She Anticipated, But She’s Not Certain Where All Of It Came From. She Knows This Data Would Help Her Improve Her Future Performance. How Can Amy Get The Information She Needs From YouTube Analytics? She can check the inbound social […]
The post Amy’s Latest YouTube Advertising Campaign Was A Tremendous Success. She Saw More Activity Than She Anticipated, But She’s Not Certain Where All Of It Came From. She Knows This Data Would Help Her Improve Her Future Performance. How Can Amy Get The Information She Needs From YouTube Analytics? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Myra’s Newest Client Uses A CRM To Keep Track Of Customer Information. They’d Like To Use This Data To Engage Past Customers With A YouTube Campaign Promoting Their Newest Product Line. Which Intent Audience Solution On YouTube Should Myra Select For This Campaign? Customer Match and Similar Audiences Consumer Direct and New audiences Ideal […]
The post Myra’s Newest Client Uses A CRM To Keep Track Of Customer Information. They’d Like To Use This Data To Engage Past Customers With A YouTube Campaign Promoting Their Newest Product Line. Which Intent Audience Solution On YouTube Should Myra Select For This Campaign? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Google Created The ABCDs Of YouTube To Help Advertisers Get The Most From Their Creatives. You Attract Attention From The Beginning, Brand Naturally And Meaningfully, And Connect With Your Viewer Through Emotion And Storytelling. What’s The Final Recommendation Contained In The ABCDs Of YouTube? Determine what the viewer is interested in. Start a dialog […]
The post Google Created The ABCDs Of YouTube To Help Advertisers Get The Most From Their Creatives. You Attract Attention From The Beginning, Brand Naturally And Meaningfully, And Connect With Your Viewer Through Emotion And Storytelling. What’s The Final Recommendation Contained In The ABCDs Of YouTube? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Google Created The ABCDs Of YouTube To Provide Advertisers With A Set Of Guidelines To Follow To Develop High-Impact Creatives. You Attract Users From The Very Beginning And Brand Naturally. Lastly, You Direct Them By Stating Clearly What You Want Them To Do. Which Recommendation Did We Leave Out? Communicate with the viewer through […]
The post Google Created The ABCDs Of YouTube To Provide Advertisers With A Set Of Guidelines To Follow To Develop High-Impact Creatives. You Attract Users From The Very Beginning And Brand Naturally. Lastly, You Direct Them By Stating Clearly What You Want Them To Do. Which Recommendation Did We Leave Out? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Felix Launched A Google Display Ad Campaign To Drive Sales Of Tools On His Home Improvement Website. After Reviewing Sales Data From The First Week, Felix Notices Higher Sales From Ads That Include A Picture Of The Tool Itself. He Decides To Add Tool Pictures To All Of His Other Ads To Try And Replicate […]
The post Felix Launched A Google Display Ad Campaign To Drive Sales Of Tools On His Home Improvement Website. After Reviewing Sales Data From The First Week, Felix Notices Higher Sales From Ads That Include A Picture Of The Tool Itself. He Decides To Add Tool Pictures To All Of His Other Ads To Try And Replicate The Success. Which Type Of Channel Optimization Is Felix Using To Drive Higher Tool Sales? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Carey Has Used Google Ads For Some Time, But He Recently Found He Doesn’t Have Time To Manage Multiple Campaigns Effectively. How Can Smart Shopping Campaigns Reduce Carey’s Google Ads Management Workload? By automating Carey’s ad placement and bidding By restricting Carey to basic templates with limited options By only allowing Carey to edit […]
The post Carey Has Used Google Ads For Some Time, But He Recently Found He Doesn’t Have Time To Manage Multiple Campaigns Effectively. How Can Smart Shopping Campaigns Reduce Carey’s Google Ads Management Workload? appeared first on Certification Answers.
A Single Branch Of Shiny Shoes Has Been Operating Across North America Since 1917. A New Marketing Team Member Suggested They Look Into Local Inventory Ads. The Owner, Tim, Is Concerned About Where Potential Customers Might See The Ad. Where Can Tim Expect Consumers To Find His Local Inventory Ads? On a radio station […]
The post A Single Branch Of Shiny Shoes Has Been Operating Across North America Since 1917. A New Marketing Team Member Suggested They Look Into Local Inventory Ads. The Owner, Tim, Is Concerned About Where Potential Customers Might See The Ad. Where Can Tim Expect Consumers To Find His Local Inventory Ads? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Laura’s Website Data Shows That Visitors Place Items In Their Shopping Carts But Fail To Complete The Purchase. What Should Laura Do First To Up Her Conversion Rate? Ask for an email address from visitors so she can reach out with additional marketing. Make sure her checkout page is live and that purchases can […]
The post Laura’s Website Data Shows That Visitors Place Items In Their Shopping Carts But Fail To Complete The Purchase. What Should Laura Do First To Up Her Conversion Rate? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Julia Owns A Used Video Game Store. She’s Been Using Google Shopping Ads For A Few Months. Which Two Forms Of Data Are Easily Available For Julia To Continue Optimizing The Performance Of Her Campaigns? (Choose Two.) Benchmark data for comparisons across the competitive landscape The average age of consumers viewing each specific product […]
The post Julia Owns A Used Video Game Store. She’s Been Using Google Shopping Ads For A Few Months. Which Two Forms Of Data Are Easily Available For Julia To Continue Optimizing The Performance Of Her Campaigns? (Choose Two.) appeared first on Certification Answers.
Ingrid Wants To Acquire A Lot Of Exposure For A New Product Line That She’s Launching. She Understands That She Can Reach A Significant Portion Of People On The Internet With The Help Of A Display Campaign. In What Way Will A Display Campaign Achieve Ingrid’s Marketing Goal? Her business will be highlighted on […]
The post Ingrid Wants To Acquire A Lot Of Exposure For A New Product Line That She’s Launching. She Understands That She Can Reach A Significant Portion Of People On The Internet With The Help Of A Display Campaign. In What Way Will A Display Campaign Achieve Ingrid’s Marketing Goal? appeared first on Certification Answers.
How Can Advertisers Use Shopping Ads To Grow Sales? By taking advantage of Google customer reviews and offering merchant promotions By selecting a specific location on the search results page for their ads to appear By choosing color schemes that match their website’s appearance and style By targeting shoppers by college degrees, employment positions, […]
The post How Can Advertisers Use Shopping Ads To Grow Sales? appeared first on Certification Answers.
The ABCDs Of YouTube Assist Advertisers In Developing The Most Effective Creatives. The First Recommendation, Attract, Concentrates On Hooking Your Audience In Your Ad’s Opening Moments. According To Google Research, What Should You Focus On To Attract Viewers? Offers and warranties Framing and pacing Colors and graphics Text and voice-overs
The post The ABCDs Of YouTube Assist Advertisers In Developing The Most Effective Creatives. The First Recommendation, Attract, Concentrates On Hooking Your Audience In Your Ad’s Opening Moments. According To Google Research, What Should You Focus On To Attract Viewers? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Audra Is Marketing Manager For A Concert Venue. She’s Tasked With Creating A YouTube Campaign Reaching Fans Of The Musicians They’ve Already Booked For The Summer. Which YouTube Audience Solution Could Audra Choose To Reach These Users? Determinant List Program Candidate Custom Affinity Detailed Demographic
The post Audra Is Marketing Manager For A Concert Venue. She’s Tasked With Creating A YouTube Campaign Reaching Fans Of The Musicians They’ve Already Booked For The Summer. Which YouTube Audience Solution Could Audra Choose To Reach These Users? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Lori Manages Digital Marketing For A Travel Agency And Believes YouTube Could Help The Company Reach A Wider Audience. She Told Her Employer That Users Choose YouTube For The Rich And Diverse Content. What Two Other Reasons Can Lori Provide For Why Users Choose YouTube? (Choose 2.) Users can search for specific job opportunities. […]
The post Lori Manages Digital Marketing For A Travel Agency And Believes YouTube Could Help The Company Reach A Wider Audience. She Told Her Employer That Users Choose YouTube For The Rich And Diverse Content. What Two Other Reasons Can Lori Provide For Why Users Choose YouTube? (Choose 2.) appeared first on Certification Answers.
Iryna Is Creating A Six-Second Bumper Ad For YouTube And Wants To Follow Google’s Best Practices. She’s Planning To Use Her Product In The Video Along With Her Company’s Jingle. She Knows There’s Another Best Practice That Has To Do With Breaking The Fourth Wall. What Does Breaking The Fourth Wall Refer To When Creating […]
The post Iryna Is Creating A Six-Second Bumper Ad For YouTube And Wants To Follow Google’s Best Practices. She’s Planning To Use Her Product In The Video Along With Her Company’s Jingle. She Knows There’s Another Best Practice That Has To Do With Breaking The Fourth Wall. What Does Breaking The Fourth Wall Refer To When Creating A Bumper Ad? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Leigh Is The Marketing Manager For A Makeup Brand Releasing A New Line Of Mascara. They Have An Extensive Customer List And Would Like To Use Customer Data To Reach Past Customers With Their New Product. Leigh Needs To Create A Customer Match Audience. What’s The Three-Step Process For Creating A Customer Match Audience? […]
The post Leigh Is The Marketing Manager For A Makeup Brand Releasing A New Line Of Mascara. They Have An Extensive Customer List And Would Like To Use Customer Data To Reach Past Customers With Their New Product. Leigh Needs To Create A Customer Match Audience. What’s The Three-Step Process For Creating A Customer Match Audience? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Michelle Recently Launched A New Product Called **Wonder Boots**. The Brand Has Already Become Well-Known In Her Industry. She Wants To Attract More Traffic Via Google Ads But Only For Searches That Are Solely For Her Product Name (**Wonder Boots**). Which Keyword Match Type Should Michelle Use To Attract Traffic Strictly For Searches For The […]
The post Michelle Recently Launched A New Product Called **Wonder Boots**. The Brand Has Already Become Well-Known In Her Industry. She Wants To Attract More Traffic Via Google Ads But Only For Searches That Are Solely For Her Product Name (**Wonder Boots**). Which Keyword Match Type Should Michelle Use To Attract Traffic Strictly For Searches For The **Wonder Boots** Product Name? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Clara Is An Advertising Director Who’s Tasked With Optimizing Her Company’s Google Search Campaign. How Can Clara Use The Optimization Score To Benefit Her Campaign? To judge the popularity of her website compared to others To identify opportunities to improve campaign performance To compare the efficacy of her ad text creative with that of […]
The post Clara Is An Advertising Director Who’s Tasked With Optimizing Her Company’s Google Search Campaign. How Can Clara Use The Optimization Score To Benefit Her Campaign? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Jimmy Has Completed The Headline Section Of His Text Ad And Is Now Writing The Description Section. What Are Three Factors That Jimmy Should Include In The Description Section Of His Text Ads? (Choose Three.) A mention of prices, promotions, and exclusive offers Encouraging potential customers to take action More landing pages to visit […]
The post Jimmy Has Completed The Headline Section Of His Text Ad And Is Now Writing The Description Section. What Are Three Factors That Jimmy Should Include In The Description Section Of His Text Ads? (Choose Three.) appeared first on Certification Answers.
Karen Has Evaluated Her Google Search Ads Campaign’s Optimization Score After Noticing That The Campaign’s Performance Had Slipped. The Score Is Much Lower Than It Was A Month Ago. She Applies An Optimization Recommendation That Surfaces In The Recommendations Page. What Will Happen To Her Campaign’s Optimization Score? The score will decrease upon accepting […]
The post Karen Has Evaluated Her Google Search Ads Campaign’s Optimization Score After Noticing That The Campaign’s Performance Had Slipped. The Score Is Much Lower Than It Was A Month Ago. She Applies An Optimization Recommendation That Surfaces In The Recommendations Page. What Will Happen To Her Campaign’s Optimization Score? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Which Of The Following Goals Can You Achieve For Your Marketing Campaign By Using Automated Bidding? Choose what time of day your ads will appear. Target specific devices exclusively. Reach the right user with the right message at the right time. Control the cost of each click.
The post Which Of The Following Goals Can You Achieve For Your Marketing Campaign By Using Automated Bidding? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Mario owns a store that sells skateboard equipment. Mario understands that people are most likely to notice his headline text in a text ad. What should Mario include in his headline? Messaging that includes “Click Here!” A phone number where customers can contact him The physical address of his store At least one of […]
The post Mario owns a store that sells skateboard equipment. Mario understands that people are most likely to notice his headline text in a text ad. What should Mario include in his headline? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Jerry understands that expected click-through rate is one of three main factors that determine the quality score of an ad. What are the two other main factors that Jerry should focus on to improve the quality score of his ads? (Choose two.) Select All Correct Responses Conversion rate Ad dimensions Bid amount Ad landing […]
The post Jerry understands that expected click-through rate is one of three main factors that determine the quality score of an ad. What are the two other main factors that Jerry should focus on to improve the quality score of his ads? (Choose two.) appeared first on Certification Answers.
Linda recognizes that a Google Search campaign could bring significant value to her eCommerce business. Which two solutions can Linda achieve via a Google Search campaign? (Choose two.) Select All Correct Responses A video can present a summary of her products to people showing an interest in her business. Her business can catch the […]
The post Linda recognizes that a Google Search campaign could bring significant value to her eCommerce business. Which two solutions can Linda achieve via a Google Search campaign? (Choose two.) appeared first on Certification Answers.
Every ad contains a URL displaying your website address. You can add two optional path fields to the display URL in a text ad. What’s an advantage of using these optional path fields? To give users an idea of the content they’ll see upon clicking the ad To match an appropriate landing page with […]
The post Every ad contains a URL displaying your website address. You can add two optional path fields to the display URL in a text ad. What’s an advantage of using these optional path fields? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Rina has heard the term Quality Score mentioned before and is interested to learn what it actually is. Which statement describes Quality Score? It’s an estimate of the quality of your ads, keywords, and landing pages. It’s a final score that’s based on every element of the structure of your account. It’s a metric […]
The post Rina has heard the term Quality Score mentioned before and is interested to learn what it actually is. Which statement describes Quality Score? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Layla is learning about the benefits of using search ad extensions and has come to know that they can help to increase user engagement. What are two other benefits that search ad extensions can contribute to performance? (Choose two.) Select All Correct Responses More qualified leads Dynamic video insertion Attractive video assets Faster loading […]
The post Layla is learning about the benefits of using search ad extensions and has come to know that they can help to increase user engagement. What are two other benefits that search ad extensions can contribute to performance? (Choose two.) appeared first on Certification Answers.
An algorithm that looks across key aspects of your accounts calculates your Google Search Ads optimization score. This score helps give you recommendations on how to optimize your Search Ads campaigns. What are two of the data sources that are used to calculate optimization recommendations? (Choose two.) Select All Correct Responses User generated scenarios […]
The post An algorithm that looks across key aspects of your accounts calculates your Google Search Ads optimization score. This score helps give you recommendations on how to optimize your Search Ads campaigns. What are two of the data sources that are used to calculate optimization recommendations? (Choose two.) appeared first on Certification Answers.
Charlie is working to improve the quality score of a Google Search ad by improving his expected click-through rate (eCTR). Which of the following actions might improve Charlie’s eCTR? Improving the speed of his website Cloning the ad multiple times Decreasing the bid for the ad Including keywords in his ad text
The post Charlie is working to improve the quality score of a Google Search ad by improving his expected click-through rate (eCTR). Which of the following actions might improve Charlie’s eCTR? appeared first on Certification Answers.
By linking a Google My Business account with a Google Ads account, you’re able to create location extensions. Which type of information can location extensions display to potential customers? Your service reviews or vendor testimonials The distance the customer is from your location Pictures/images of your location Current promotions of your location
The post By linking a Google My Business account with a Google Ads account, you’re able to create location extensions. Which type of information can location extensions display to potential customers? appeared first on Certification Answers.
True Or False? You Should Use A Consistent Naming System To Store And Easily Identify Hosted Files. True False
The post True Or False? You Should Use A Consistent Naming System To Store And Easily Identify Hosted Files. appeared first on Certification Answers.
What happens during strategic planning? Strategic planning helps you organize your data points used to gauge your company’s performance relative to a goal. Strategic planning breaks down the long-term goals of the strategic plan into short-term goals and activities. Strategic planning is a goal-setting system that helps to ensure that efforts are focused on […]
The post What happens during strategic planning? appeared first on Certification Answers.
What happens during operational planning? Operational planning breaks down the long-term goals of the strategic plan into short-term goals and activities. Operational planning focuses on long-term goals, which align with your purpose, mission, and vision, and outline the direction of the business in the next three to five years. Operational planning is a goal-setting […]
The post What happens during operational planning? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Fill in the blank: SWOT analysis is ________ a program and strategy you implement to speed up your flywheel. the result of a company’s efforts to gather and analyze information about its industry, business environment, competitors, and competitive products and services. a technique used entirely for visualization purposes, to envision the impact of forces […]
The post Fill in the blank: SWOT analysis is ________ appeared first on Certification Answers.
Fill in the blanks: Tail winds are to ________ : as headwinds are to _________. Forces, friction. Friction, force.Ships, force. Forces, friction. Friction, force. Ships, force. Ships, friction.
The post Fill in the blanks: Tail winds are to ________ : as headwinds are to _________. Forces, friction. Friction, force.Ships, force. appeared first on Certification Answers.
True or false? The majority of people are willing to continue communications with a brand, even if they receive irrelevant promotions. True False
The post True or false? The majority of people are willing to continue communications with a brand, even if they receive irrelevant promotions. appeared first on Certification Answers.
Mithilfe welches Tags können Sie in Google Ads festlegen, welche spezifischen Aktionen von Kunden als Conversion erfasst werden sollen? Ein analoges Tag Ein allgemeines Website-Tag Ein Ereignis-Tag Ein temporäres Tag
The post Mithilfe welches Tags können Sie in Google Ads festlegen, welche spezifischen Aktionen von Kunden als Conversion erfasst werden sollen? appeared first on Certification Answers.
Sandra möchte in einem lokalen Accessoire-Geschäft eine teure Handtasche kaufen. Als versierte Kundin sucht sie eine ganz bestimmte Marke zum richtigen Preis. Mit welcher Strategie kann ein Accessoire-Geschäft Sandra durch den gesamten Kaufprozess hinweg an sich binden, vom Beginn ihrer Recherchen bis zum Kauf der Handtasche? Pay-per-Lead-Strategie. Social-Media-Strategie. Online-zu-Offline-Strategie. Markenorientierte Strategie.
The post Sandra möchte in einem lokalen Accessoire-Geschäft eine teure Handtasche kaufen. Als versierte Kundin sucht sie eine ganz bestimmte Marke zum richtigen Preis. Mit welcher Strategie kann ein Accessoire-Geschäft Sandra durch den gesamten Kaufprozess hinweg an sich binden, vom Beginn ihrer Recherchen bis zum Kauf der Handtasche? appeared first on Certification Answers.